Judge sues for $65 million over pants
A Washington, D.C. judge is suing a small dry cleaner for $65 million because they ruined a pair of his pants. The judge should lose his job and be disbarred. What a joke.

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Boston Police Blow Up Suspicious Looking Man
There were more tense moments today after Boston Police were forced to blow up a suspicious looking man near a lamp post. An alert city worker called in the man after noticing that he had been leaning against the lamp post for more than ten minutes.

Posted in Current Affairs & Digg & Funny | 0 Comments
San Antonio EB Games Clerk Found Dead
Tragic and senseless killing over probably a couple hundred dollars.

Posted in Current Affairs & Games | 0 Comments
Congress Is a Joke
Excellent article on how the general public has no clue on even basic economics. Low supply plus high demand is going to mean higher prices, and no lame boycotts or politicians can fix it. They only make things worse.
If Congress does something to force prices down, that'll just increase demand which means the prices will just rise back up.

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A Million Little Lies
Guy made up most of his book and conned Oprah into helping him make it a best seller.

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Texas Approves Gay Marriage Ban
I don't know when this happened, but as a moderately conservative and Republican voting Texan, I can't believe such a vast majority of people are against it. How does it affect you? Why do you even care what other people do with their lives? Is there any reason this law is passing so easily other than homophobia?

Posted in Current Affairs | 7 Comments
Long Island high school cancels the prom
I surprisingly agree with the school's decision after reading (actually listening) to the whole story. And they're not cancelling the whole thing, just saying that the school will no longer officially sponsor it.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
President Bush's presidential speechalist
Holy cow is that funny, Andy Dick is great is short bursts. From Comedy Central's Last Call 2004.

Posted in Current Affairs & Funny | 0 Comments
La Maison Bleu is completely underwater
The La Maison Bleu Guesthouse in New Orleans was the first getaway Christina and I had as a couple. It, along with so many other places, appears to be completely submerged according to Google's satellite photos of the Hurricane Katrina after effects.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Housing available to Katrina victims on craigslist
A lot of people in the DFW area are opening up their homes to the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

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Words can't describe the disgust I have for the people capable of these things.

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Hurricane Katrina blog?
In the midst of this horrible tragedy is there really a need to call things a blog
just to be in on the latest trends? It's just a running timeline of hurricane updates.

Posted in Current Affairs | 6 Comments
UT student charged with aiding Pitonyak
This story gets weirder and weirder. Now the girl who was on her way to Mexico with Colton Pitonyak has been charged with hindering apprehension.
Check out some of the things she supposedly said, I'm not sure how a gunshot, stabbing, and dismemberment can be considered an an accident
Update: Colton Pitonyak was found guilty of Jennifer Cave's murder and sentenced to 55 years in jail.
Posted in Current Affairs | 2 Comments
Man Kills Wife After Sex To Watch TV
SportsCenter is much better than cuddling anyways.
Update: Switched the link to a better source. Man that dude has a severely creepy look on his face.

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Atkins files Chapter 11
There's got to be a pun here somewhere, but I'm too tired to think of one.

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Nice TV GW
George W. Bush settles in to watch the shuttle launch on his state of the art 13" television set.
(via Engadget)

Posted in Current Affairs & Funny & Photos | 0 Comments
Right and Left wing blogs are both crap
And Republicans and Democrats are both equally corrupt and moronic. Being a relatively near the middle conservative who is apathetic about half the BS issues is much better.
(via kottke)

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Open letter to the London terrorists
A survivor of the attacks in London wants them to know how he feels.

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Murder suspect's blog appeals
Joseph Duncan, who was arrested with Shasta Groene in Idaho and is suspected of murdering her two brothers, mother, and her mother's boyfriend blogged his thoughts in the days leading up to the end.
Duncan's final blog entries, days before the murders, said he felt
scared, alone... My intent is to harm society as much as I can, then die.

Posted in Current Affairs
UT wants to bulldoze Player's for hotel
Damn shame, UT wants to build a hotel and conference center and they want to bulldoze Player's to do it. It would be a shame, Player's has great burgers and is an easy walk from campus. I can't really think of any other place they could put something like that though.
(via Orangebloods)

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
New Braunfels schools to randomly drug test
They're going to be drug testing in New Braunfels schools now. It's NBISD and not Comal ISD (where I went and taught) but it's still pretty big news. They'll be testing students who are involved in extracurricular activities, who purchase an optional school parking permit or whose parents request that their children be tested.
The penalties only include suspension from extracurricular activities and counseling but I'm sure parents are still pissed that anyone is parenting their children. If they don't raise them right then no one should!
Full article posted below because requiring registration and then disabling right-click is BS.
NEW BRAUNFELS - Students who are involved in extracurricular activities, who buy a school parking pass or whose parents request it will be subject to random drug tests in the New Braunfels School District beginning Aug. 1.
School board trustees, in a 5-0 vote, instructed the district staff to craft a policy for testing those students in grades 7 though 12.
Trustees Paul Fisher and Randy Rust were absent.
The policy will have to pass two readings, the first of which is scheduled for June 20.
Trustees said they want an aggressive program that will include testing for steroids.
"Hit and hit hard and make sure they know we mean business," said Trustee Ed Clark, who urged the board to set aside at least $50,000 for testing so students know there is a high probability they will be tested. "I also would not mind going beyond the extent of the rulings of the courts. ... Test all of them."
Court rulings limit testing to students who are involved in extracurricular activities, who purchase an optional school parking permit or whose parents request that their children be tested, which is what the board approved Monday night.
"I'm interested in doing what we can do legally now, where we know we are on safe ground," said Trustee Rob Johnson.
Trustees did not give the staff any direction on what the policy should include as far as consequences of positive drug tests.
However, Superintendent Ron Reaves said he will use the Fredericksburg School District's policy as a starting point.
For a first positive test, that policy calls for a 45-day suspension from extracurricular activities, completion of a drug awareness program and retesting. For a second positive test, it's a one-year suspension from extracurricular activities and drug counseling.
The San Marcos and Marble Falls school districts also have mandatory student drug testing policies.
San Marcos' policy does not include any suspension of privileges for a first failed test.
Only one resident addressed the board, although a public hearing held last year attracted mostly supporters of testing.
Monday, Pat Lynch Jr. urged the board to approve a program.
"I believe you can never fix a problem until you admit there is a problem," he said.
Trustee Lee Edwards said the goal of the testing is to give kids a reason to stand up to peer pressure to do drugs.
"If it stops 10 kids today, it's worth it," he said. "If it keeps one kid out of the emergency room, it's worth it. If it stops one teen pregnancy, it's worth it."

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How dumb rich people end up in debt
Great title on this article about how a good deal of America's wealthy are just as stupid with their money as us poor folks. It doesn't matter how much you make, if you spend more than you've got coming in then your ass is gonna be in debt.

Posted in Current Affairs | 1 Comments
Feuding Hillbillies Pepper-Spray Infant In Wal-Mart Parking Lot
I just liked the headline Sploid used.

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Picking the Pope's Domain Name
Rogers Cadenhead bought BenedictXVI.com on April 1.

Posted in Current Affairs | 2 Comments
German elected pope for his birthday
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany turned 78 on Saturday, he was named pope today. Nice birthday present.
Ratzinger, the first German pope in centuries, served John Paul II since 1981 as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. In that position, he has disciplined church dissidents and upheld church policy against attempts by liberals for reforms.
Good to see the Catholic Church is still staunchly opposed to change, the last thing it needs is reform.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Vatican installing cellphone jammers for papal conclave
I just can't see the pope texting his homies on his cellphone.
(via Engadget)

Posted in Current Affairs & Tech | 0 Comments
California teen beats friend to death with bat
A 13-year-old boy beat a 15-year-old to death with a bat at a Little League concession stand after being teased. Parents today rock!
I'm sure Jack Thompson will be all over this one.

Posted in Current Affairs & Sports | 1 Comments
Florida mom sells daughters for car, prostitution
One of the creepier news stories I've read in a while.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Head football coach shot in Canton, TX
A parent shot the head coach/athletic director in Canton, TX this morning. There's no word on his condition, but I'm fearing for the worst. At this time of day, he was probably sitting in his office alone working, and since the gunmen got away....

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Schiavo's parents cashing in
If you expressed your support for Terri Schiavo's right to live, the Schindlers are paying you back by selling your information to a direct-mailing firm.
Remember, there's always more to people than we can learn from television.
(via Sixfoot6)

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The pope has died
I had no idea he was the first non-Italian pope in 455 years.

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Terri Schiavo has died
Now everyone can finally move on.
Everyone who freaked out on one side or the other can shut up and find something else to fight about. None of us knew what she wanted or had half a clue what was going on, yet you think you know better than everyone else.
Did she want to live? Did she want to die? You don't know and neither do I.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Johnnie Cochran dead
Famed attorney Johnnie Cochran, perhaps best known for his defense of O.J. Simpson, died Tuesday afternoon after suffering from an inoperable brain tumor, his family said. He was 67.

Posted in Current Affairs | 1 Comments
Jack Thompson, ignoring all reason and evidence, links Red Lake Shooting to games
Wow, I knew it would happen. Continual moron, Jack S. Thompson, has somehow ignored the fact that the kid was a neo-nazi who liked to create Flash animations of a person killing everyone then himself and is trying to blame the Red Lake shootings on Grand Theft Auto. You know, despite the fact that no one knows if the kid even played the game.
What more should we expect though from this guy.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Postings to a neo-Nazi message board by the MN teen who killed 10 people
I'm sure they'll still try to blame this on Grand Theft Auto somehow.
(via Kottke)

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Modern parenting
Skylar and Forrest get in a sword fight.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Apple wins suit against fan sites
That's freaking retarded. I'm sure it'll get appealed, but a moron judge ruled today that the protection that shields journalists from revealing the names of unidentified sources does not apply to websites.
How does that make any sense whatsoever? I don't know.

Posted in Current Affairs & Tech | 0 Comments
BTK killer president of his church
The man who allegedly confessed to killing at least six people was the predident of his Lutheran church in Kansas.

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The Somerville Gates slideshow
Hargo had to take down all the photos on his site because of bandwidth concerns (four million hits will do that to ya), so I set up a slideshow of all the images I could find. I think I may have gotten all of them.
They'll be up as long as my bandwidth can take it. (Flash 7 required)

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Hunter S. Thompson commits suicide
Hunter S. Thompson fatally shot himself last night.
I knew him best for his ESPN.com Page 2 articles (which he was still writing as of February 15th.) I tried watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with Christina one time, but we both couldn't stand it.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
No free WiFi for you!
There is a proposed Texas bill that would outlaw municipal WiFi (cities providing free wireless Internet access.) Nice to see our government is once again working with it's citizens in mind. Didn't I mention before how much I hated politicians?
(via jkOTR)

Posted in Current Affairs & Tech | 2 Comments
Political bloggers - the new paparazzi
Mark Cuban on effects of bloggers on media, politics, etc.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Another teacher charged with having sex with student
What kind of thirteen year-old is still in elementary school?
She looks pretty hot, by the way.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Apartment complex sues website over critical posts
This is ridiculous. An apartment complex in New Jersey is suing people who made anonymous comments that they sucked.
They are also asking the court to order the website operators to remove the critical posts — which they characterize as
unlawful— and keep users from posting negative feedback about their properties in the future.
Instead of suing people, why don't you actually address the concerns? Try fixing the problems or practicing quality customer service? Nah, that would be too easy. Best comment in the article:
What many corporations do not realize is that the negative publicity such punitive lawsuits bring them probably outweighs whatever benefit they would get from getting critical comments removed from a forum, or a critical site taken down.
So true.

Posted in Current Affairs | 2 Comments
Be a parent
A nice counter-point to the link I just posted a couple hours ago. Eric Meyer doesn't like how the some of the mommy bloggers
claim they're doing it because of the things they had to give up to be a parent. He also wonders what the subjects of these blogs (the kids) will think in fifteen years about their whole lives being permanently chronicled for the world to see.

Posted in Current Affairs | 1 Comments
Canadian town wants its tsunami donation back
Tell me why all the liberals want to move to Canada again?

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Good thing we didn't want seafood last night
Seriously, someone needs to give me the job of deciding who gets to drive and who doesn't. I'd make a maximum drive age of 60 and also have the power to just pick out individual morons I see on the streets. The world would be a safer place.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
UT student sued over spam
Wow, I should spam people. These people have made hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars through this scheme.
How many morons are there actually out there that fall for spam?
The dumbest part is that the article says you should look for a Web page to submit contact information.
Ummm, all that would do is confirm you're a real sucker and they have your real email address.

Posted in Current Affairs & Tech | 0 Comments
Tsunami man's two-week sea ordeal
I can't figure out where he got the coconuts he says he survived on. Were they floating in the sea?
(via Kottke)

Posted in Current Affairs | 1 Comments
Fugitive lived at Circuit City
My parents complain I spend too much time and money at Best Buy, well at least I didn't live there!

Posted in Current Affairs & Tech | 0 Comments
Tsunami photos aren't legit
Turns out these photos aren't actually of the tsunami but the Qian Tang Jiang River, in Hangzhou, China.
(via Airbag)

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
I don't make a ton of money from Google AdSense on this site, but I just pledged whatever I do make during the month of January to the relief efforts in Asia.
Great idea from Andy Budd.

Posted in Current Affairs | 2 Comments
Globe Aware

With everything going on in the world right now, I know a lot of people are looking for ways to give back. GlobeAware is a great way to give more than money, but to actually give your time to help others. There are currently programs in Peru, Costa Rica, Thailand, Cuba, Nepal, Brazil and India.
They've even got a reality series coming up on Voom featuring the program in April. For more information about the series here is the press release. Hopefully Voom is still around by then.
Plus Christina works for them part time as a web developer, and one of my next projects will be helping with a redesign of thier site. It'll easily be my biggest task yet, because they've got a doozy of a site over there. Tons of pages and tons of content. I'll keep you updated on any progress with that.

Posted in Current Affairs | 2 Comments
Tsunami Adds to Belief in Animals' Sixth Sense
Sri Lankan wildlife officials have said the giant waves that killed over 24,000 people along the Indian Ocean island's coast seemingly missed wild beasts, with no dead animals found.
I guess next time Reesey is going freaking nuts for no apparent reason, I should worry.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Democratic leadership rethinking abortion
Abortion sis probably the issue I feel most strongly about and is one of the main reasons I consider myself a Republican, looks like the Democratic party is rethinking their stance.
(via Airbag)

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Teen couple gives up parental rights to infant
Wow, a whole ten years of probation for attempting to kill your baby? The New Braunfels courts sure are tough.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
The de-Christmasizing of the holidays
Bryan speaks out about the de-Christmasizing (I should patent that) of the holiday season that's going on in society.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Colin Powell resigns
Secretary of State Colin Powell has resigned from his position in Bush's cabinet. I imagine there will be quite the uproar from the liberals, as I think he was one of the few Republicans they could stomach.
My completely baseless theory? Powell has intentions of running for the presidancy in 2008 and wants to be able stand on his own, and not be forever linked to George W. Bush. Four years away allows him to build support from Republicans and undecided voters alike.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Scott Peterson guilty
Scott Peterson was found guilty of first-degree murder in the death of his wife and second-degree murder in the death of their unborn son.
The penalty phase of the trial is set to begin November 22, he faces a possible sentence of death or life in prison without parole.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Election results by county
Similar to the state map, but what really stood out to me was the square mileage won. Bush won 2.51 million square miles and Kerry won 511,700 square miles.
Look at Texas, what county is that right in the middle? Did Kerry win Travis County?
Update: Yep, Kerry took Travis county by 50,000 votes. Here's the Texas votes by county. Damn liberal Longhorns! :-)

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Kerry calls Bush to concede
It appears official, four more years for Bush.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
The candidates on sports
It may be too late to sway your vote, but check out where Bush and Kerry stand on sports-related issues such as steroids and Pete Rose.
There's a quote from Kerry claiming he was at the Red Sox vs. Mets game in `86 when the ball went through Buckner's legs. I remember hearing a report claiming it was impossible for him to have been there because there was proof he was in some place else that evening.

Posted in Current Affairs & Sports | 0 Comments
Nolan Ryan backs W
Twenty-four Olympians and professional athletes have endorsed President Bush and signed the following letter expressing their support, noting, "In these critical times, our President has had the courage to stand up and do what's right. For that and for his unwavering character, we choose George W. Bush as our President for the next four years."
I have more respect for Nolan Ryan than most other people in this country, so knowing he supports George W. Bush is actually important.
However, I don't hold Kerri Strug's endorsement in as high a regard. (via Orangebloods forums)

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
He hates politics too...
I think pretty much every sane person is getting real tired of politics right now. I can't even read several design weblogs I usually frequent because I'm hit over the head with political "discussions." It's one thing to voice your opinion and state the reasons, it's another to just bash the other side unabashedly. I like how both sides think the other is pure evil and are complete morons. What's great is they're both right!
(via Juiced Thoughts)

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
UK paper's anti-Bush letter-writing campaign hacked
The same paper where they suggested someone assasinate George W. Bush apparently launched an anti-Bush letter writing campaign. They thought they should try to influence America's election by influencing a swing county in a swing state.
Well good old Americans got pissed with the Brits trying to interfere in our elections, wrote angry letters and even hacked the paper's website.
Whether you're a Republican or a Democrat, you're probably getting really tired of people telling you how you should vote. Shut up, I don't care how you're voting and I certainly don't want to hear how you think I should vote.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Mass Iraqi grave yields infants, unborn
There were hundred of bodies (including women and children) and this is just one of forty possible mass grave sites in Iraq.
The body of one woman was found still clutching a baby. The infant had been shot in the back of the head and the woman in the face, the BBC reported.
So there was no reason to remove Saddam from power? He's such a nice guy, we should have just left him alone.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Cat Stevens a terrorist?
Yusuf Islam, the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens, forced a D.C.-bound flight to land prematurely after his name popped up on a terrorist watch list.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
CBS misled?
CBS is shirking the blame for the apparently forged memos challenging President Bush's military service. PowerlineBlog was one of the first places to challenge their veracity and now that the pressure has mounted on them, CBS is claiming they were misled about their authenticity.

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