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Creative examples and ideas for website footers
Some great thoughts and examples of website footers. Some interesting new ideas for what content to put down there and how it should look.
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Posted in Design & Development & Web
Wordpress 2.5 adds image galleries, here's how to use them
The new image gallery functionality in Wordpress 2.5 should be incredibly useful. Christina will definitely use it on our married life blog.
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Posted in Blogging & Development & Web
WP-Cache 2.0
WP-Cache 2.0 is a useful looking plug-in that could really help the server load over at Bevo Sports.
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Posted in Development & Web
Rick Astley, king of the 'Rickroll,' talks about his song's second coming
I actually like "Never gonna give you up" so I don't mind being rickrolled.
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Posted in Entertainment & Funny & Video & Web
iTunes (finally) introduces Complete My Album
On the couple dozen times I've bought songs from the iTunes Music Store, the fact that I'd have to rebuy the same songs again to complete an album definitely stopped me from buying any more tracks from the same albums. Now Apple has introduced "Complete My Album," their answer to this issue. You get $0.99 off for each song off an album you've already purchasing. Brilliant move.
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Posted in Entertainment & Web
Using AdWords To Get Traffic & To Make Money Online
I'm thinking about doing some advertising for BevoSports and this is a very useful article on Google AdWords.
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Posted in Blogging & Money & Web
IE sucks... hack to fix z-index/select bugs
A CSS-only solution to the Internet Explorer bug that puts absolutely positioned elements behind select
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Posted in Design & Development & Web
Texas is #19 on RIAA's list of top piracy schools
The University of Texas at Austin does everything big, the RIAA has listed their top piracy schools and UT comes in at number nineteen. Personally, I think students just need to a better job not getting caught.
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Posted in College & Entertainment & Web
Watch March Madness on Demand
Great service from the NCAA and CBS to show free streaming video of the first three rounds of the NCAA Tournament. Great way to catch the basketball games live if you're at work or away from your TV for any other reason.
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Posted in Sports & Video & Web
ProBlogger Darren Rowse's top money earners
His top money earners on his websites include Chitika, AdSense, Text Link Ads, and Amazon Associates. I use all of those except Chitika with varying amounts of success. AdSense is easiest to use and most consistent but Text Link Ads could eventually be a big monthly income stream. Definitely have to try my luck with Chitika when I get around to redesigning this site.
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Posted in Blogging & Business & Money & Web
PC Mag Reviews Photo-Printing Services
General conclusion: The photo printing kiosks in the chain stores blow and Shutterfly and Snapfish are excellent if you can wait a little.
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Engadget had 10 million page view on iPhone day
Even at my crappy Adsense rate per page view that's probably $15,000 in revenue in one day. I wonder how much they were able to rake in?
With how much I was refreshing the Steve Jobs keynote I might have been 1,000 of those page views. (And I didn't click on a single advertisement.)
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eBay is buying StubHub
eBay is buying ticket resell site StubHub for $285 million. StubHub is a great way to get tickets to sporting events (a lot of season ticket holders sell their tickets when they can't get to games.) I love the way StubHub functions and don't really want another auction site, hopefully eBay doesn't try to merge the service into the main site. There's a market for both methods.
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Posted in Business & Sports & Web
The Legend of Zelda: Parallel Worlds
"Parallel Worlds is a fully hacked version of Zelda 3 (aka A Link to the Past). A majority of the game has been changed. There may be a few rooms which can be said to be similar to some from the original game." New overworlds, new dungeons, new graphics, and more.
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Posted in Games & Web | 2 Comments
SofaTube - YouTube for the Living Room
Easy, simple, and clean interface for viewing YouTube or Revver videos from your Wii or PS3 or just your couch in general.
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Unfair Park
Great blog from the Dallas Observer. Some interesting links and stories, local music stories, and tons of other locally relevant content.
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Posted in Blogroll & Dallas & Web
YouTube Asked To Remove 1000 Sports Clips
Another death blow to YouTube being remotely useful once all the copyright holders come through and clear out all the decent content.
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Posted in Entertainment & Web
StealItBack - Police Auctions Online
It's like eBay, but with stolen crap. Once stolen property is not needed as evidence and if the rightful owners can't be found, former police officers Property Bureau purchase it and auction it off. One pretty cool feature:
Private citizens are invited to register on any items with serial numbers they have lost or reported stolen to their local police department. will search its database, and if an item has been received from a participating department, will return the item to the police department where the theft or loss was originally reported so that it may be returned to its rightful owner free of charge.
You can even find something for that special someone in your life.
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Posted in Shopping & Web | 3 Comments