What do you wanna know?

Brian Behrend in front of the ESPN Zone in NYC

First some random background stuff. I am a 44 year-old web designer and developer living and working in Dallas, Texas with my fiance and my dog. This is my personal site for my thoughts on things going on in & around my life, plus a ton of opinions on random things. If you're interested in my design work, you can visit my freelance site seven22 Web Design to find out more.

Was that not enough?

I was born in New Braunfels, Texas in 1980 and lived there right up until college. I'm sure a lot of you have probably heard of Schlitterbahn Water Park. It was a wonderful small town to grow up in, but I couldn't wait to get away. It's grown so much in the last ten years that it really is a different place than what I used to know. It's so close to San Antonio and Austin that it worried it won't be anything more than a suburb of the ASA metroplex.

I grew up with a great family and there's not much I'd change about my youth. My dad was a high school baseball and football coach so I grew up around sports from a very young age. We'd take family vactions every summer all over the country (and even Canada) and be sure to stop at all the Major League Baseball stadiums along the way.

Enough about you, what's up with this site?

BrianBehrend.com is hopefully more than just a weblog. It's a website where you can keep up with everything that's going on with my life and a soapbox for me to voice my opinion on a wide array of topics.

What's up with your photos?

Go check out my latest photos or my photosets over at Flickr. I'm uploading photos all the time now, so be sure to head over there early and often. Subscribe to my photostream and sign up so you can add your comments.

The photo galleries on this site were originally completely powered by Movable Type. Currently, almost all photos are uploaded and stored using the great web app Flickr. However, other selected galleries are still stored here on this site. All new galleries will also get their own post in my photoblog, as will occasional individual photos.

Flickr is a great way to manage, share, and display your personal photos. It's simple to upload photos, add tags, organize them, create amazing slideshows, and finally send photos to your blog. It's all very easy.

The galleries that are still onsite are still created using my original method taking advantage of Movable Type and some great plug-ins. I use MTEmbedImage to generate thumbnails and then MT-PhotoGallery to display them. If you want more info check out this great write-up over at PhotoJunkie. It works well, but it just made more sense to use Flickr and all it's cool features rather than trying to make my own, harder to use, less feature-rich system.

How can I stay up to date?

There are several RSS feeds to choose from to help you keep up with this site. Don't even know what RSS is? Then find out more information here or read a great description of what they are and how they can be used here.

Right click a link below to copy it into your reader, or you can just click on the link and choose from the helpful links Feedburner provides. Make sure to bookmark the link below and not the Feedburner URI in case they make changes without warning:

  • Full entries: Full text and images of all my main weblog posts.
  • Entry excerpts: Again all the main weblog entries but this time in a shortened summarized view. Requires you visit the site to read the full entry.
  • Photos: A feed of the new galleries I add to the photo section of this site spliced with my latest Flickr images.
  • Links: All of my links. Includes the daily quicklinks as well as links to sites that I add to my blogroll or other things I think are worth repeated visits.
  • Doing: This feed helps you keep track of everything I'm watching or the video games I'm playing. Also includes my goals, things I want, and some random thoughts.

Or you could just sit and hit refresh over and over again, whatever floats your boat.