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Office of Government Commerce (UK) unveils hilarious new logo
The new OGC logo has quite the different look if you see it from the side. Whoops!

Rick Astley, king of the 'Rickroll,' talks about his song's second coming
I actually like "Never gonna give you up" so I don't mind being rickrolled.

Posted in Entertainment & Funny & Video & Web
Americans shouldn’t cosplay
Hot Japanese chicks with elaborate and accurate costumes or fat, dorky Americans who shouldn't be out in public in costume or out. Hmmmm.

Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man
Fantastic domain name and a decent site. That scene from family guy is one of my all time favorites.

Posted in Entertainment & Funny
Oklahoma names watermelon state vegetable
The state of Oklahoma defies science and declares the watermelon the official state vegetable.

Posted in College & Funny & Sports
Culturally significant words and phrases from The Simpsons
A fantastic look at the words and phrases from The Simpsons that have made their way into popular use.
Cromulent means valid, acceptable, or possibly commonplace, coined by David X. Cohen for the Simpsons episode "Lisa the Iconoclast"; embiggen, more obviously, means to grow in size.
When schoolteacher Edna Krabappel hears the Springfield town motto, "A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man," she comments she'd never heard of the word embiggens before moving to Springfield. Miss Hoover, another teacher, replies, "I don't know why; it's a perfectly cromulent word".

Posted in Entertainment & Funny
Boston Police Blow Up Suspicious Looking Man
There were more tense moments today after Boston Police were forced to blow up a suspicious looking man near a lamp post. An alert city worker called in the man after noticing that he had been leaning against the lamp post for more than ten minutes.

Posted in Current Affairs & Digg & Funny
An Open Letter to the Occupants of a House on the Nintendo Game 'Paperboy.'
Iam writing to apologize for causing damage to your property on "Tuesday," when the newspapers I was attempting to deliver accidentally broke two of your windows, overturned your garbage cans, and, most despicably, unearthed a gravestone in your front lawn. The extremely hazardous and fast-paced sidewalk of the street you live on made my adrenaline jolt, and I had no choice but to pedal away, narrowly avoiding a tornado, the Grim Reaper, and that breakdancer who hangs around your house. I'm not sure if he's identified himself as a witness to the vandalism yet, but regardless, I am sorry.

Posted in Funny
MySpace on The Daily Show
Demetri Martin has a ridiculously funny special report on MySpace and other online communities.

Posted in Entertainment & Funny
Aggies = Cheaters
Whoops. There's just certain things you're supposed to not say to a reporter. Silly Aggie.

The Milk Man, the Sheep, and the Seahawk
Student section at the Erwin Center came prepared to Saturday's Texas vs. Texas A&M game.

Honest College Course Descriptions
I definitely took Incomprehensible Foreign Professor
several times. Statistics 309 with Besty Greenberg should definitely been called Professor Book Sale.
Why use Microsoft Excel when you can use this ridiculously bad software I have a financial interest in?

Posted in Funny
The World of Nintendo
I definitely wanted some of this stuff when I was 10 and totally had this kick ass watch at some point in my youth. You're a loser if you didn't.
Be sure to read the "unaltered" captions, funny stuff.

Posted in Entertainment & Funny
Chuck Norris knows all
Crap, we all better look out. Chuck Norris knows about the random facts.
A roundhouse kick to the head could be coming any minute.

Posted in Funny
Chronic-les of Narnia
"Snack attack motherf***er!"

Posted in Funny
25 Things You Should Know About Guys
Every guy has one
dorkyhobby; some guys play computer games like Everquest, others build paper airplanes. While I know you're desperate to change them, let them have this one thing, it will keep them sane.
Sports aren't normally dorky, but my obsession with them is probably at least borderline dorky.

Posted in Funny
Time Warner DVR has a sense of humor
If you don't get the joke, be sure to read his post to find out why this is funny.

President Bush's presidential speechalist
Holy cow is that funny, Andy Dick is great is short bursts. From Comedy Central's Last Call 2004.

Posted in Current Affairs & Funny
Tiger Woods signs deal to endorse A-Rod
A-Rod wants to be recognized not just as a star, but as an honest and hard-working individual, and the easiest way for A-Rod to get people to perceive him in this fashion is to sign a much more beloved athlete to tell them that.
I really need to remember to read The Onion more often.

PA on SkyMall
I can't stand flying, can I get a SkyMall magazine somewhere else? And would it be as interesting?

Posted in Funny | 1 Comments