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California teen beats friend to death with bat

April 14, 2005 at 03:10 PM

A 13-year-old boy beat a 15-year-old to death with a bat at a Little League concession stand after being teased. Parents today rock!

I'm sure Jack Thompson will be all over this one.


1 daphne said...

After doing extensive reading of this affair and seeing the parents on an Oprah show, I'm convinced that the parents of the dead child were not aware of how much their child picked on other kids. From what I've read, also, according to child psychologists, and more importantly, school counselors, almost 90 percent of the parents of bullies refuse to believe their kids have a bullying problem.

Maybe it's me, but back in "da day", if you picked on a kid over ten inches shorter than you and less than HALF your body weight, you were a pussy. Sadly, someone should have explained to the older child and his parents that if the other kid involved isn't enjoying the treatment, it's not just picking on someone for fun.

Sad but true.

While my heart goes out to everyone involved, I will forever teach my children that picking on kids who feel cornered or picking on kids in general is and can be assimilated to putting your hand into a badger's cage and waving it all over the place. You may get bit. As a society we've seen bullied kids shoot up their schools, make bombs, and commit suicide. When are we going to get the hint that it's a problem?

Posted on March 25, 2006 at 04:38 PM

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