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MacBook Pro Burns Woman's Leg
I love my Powerbook and I love most of Apple's stuff, but Apple fans bug me. Yeah it's your own fault that you don't notice a laptop burning your lap while it's happening, but to claim a Macbook Pro isn't supposed to be used on your lap is downright laughable. That's what laptops are freaking for! (via)

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Blockbuster Leaks TiVo Partnership
Not a huge discount, in fact at my rate for TiVo ($12.99 per month) it's not really a discount at all. Still a good deal for people who don't have either service and possibly a sign of better things to come from the TiVo and Blockbuster Online partnership.
via Zatz Not Funny.

Posted in Entertainment & Tech | 0 Comments
Why is there no channel 1?
Good Wikipedia definition with tons of math/physics/stuff I can't follow explaining why there's never a channel 1 on your US television.
via Digg.

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Congress Is a Joke
Excellent article on how the general public has no clue on even basic economics. Low supply plus high demand is going to mean higher prices, and no lame boycotts or politicians can fix it. They only make things worse.
If Congress does something to force prices down, that'll just increase demand which means the prices will just rise back up.

Posted in Current Affairs | 0 Comments
Everything is bigger in Texas
Next season, the Texas Longhorns will have the world's largest high definition monitor at the south end of DKR - Texas Memorial Stadium. The new 7,370 scoreboard is just one of $8 million worth of audio/visual improvements to the stadium.
The new scoreboard is just one big screen and will allow the Horns to show high def video, statistics, and easy to change advertising. Should be a beauty, I can't wait to see it in action.

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