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Kerry calls Bush to concede

November 03, 2004 at 12:08 PM

It appears official, four more years for Bush.

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The candidates on sports

November 02, 2004 at 01:53 PM

It may be too late to sway your vote, but check out where Bush and Kerry stand on sports-related issues such as steroids and Pete Rose.

There's a quote from Kerry claiming he was at the Red Sox vs. Mets game in `86 when the ball went through Buckner's legs. I remember hearing a report claiming it was impossible for him to have been there because there was proof he was in some place else that evening.

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Nolan Ryan backs W

October 29, 2004 at 05:54 PM
Twenty-four Olympians and professional athletes have endorsed President Bush and signed the following letter expressing their support, noting, "In these critical times, our President has had the courage to stand up and do what's right. For that and for his unwavering character, we choose George W. Bush as our President for the next four years."

I have more respect for Nolan Ryan than most other people in this country, so knowing he supports George W. Bush is actually important.

However, I don't hold Kerri Strug's endorsement in as high a regard. (via Orangebloods forums)

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He hates politics too...

October 27, 2004 at 08:58 PM

I think pretty much every sane person is getting real tired of politics right now. I can't even read several design weblogs I usually frequent because I'm hit over the head with political "discussions." It's one thing to voice your opinion and state the reasons, it's another to just bash the other side unabashedly. I like how both sides think the other is pure evil and are complete morons. What's great is they're both right!

(via Juiced Thoughts)

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UK paper's anti-Bush letter-writing campaign hacked

October 27, 2004 at 09:21 AM

The same paper where they suggested someone assasinate George W. Bush apparently launched an anti-Bush letter writing campaign. They thought they should try to influence America's election by influencing a swing county in a swing state.

Well good old Americans got pissed with the Brits trying to interfere in our elections, wrote angry letters and even hacked the paper's website.

Whether you're a Republican or a Democrat, you're probably getting really tired of people telling you how you should vote. Shut up, I don't care how you're voting and I certainly don't want to hear how you think I should vote.

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Mass Iraqi grave yields infants, unborn

October 13, 2004 at 09:50 AM

There were hundred of bodies (including women and children) and this is just one of forty possible mass grave sites in Iraq.

The body of one woman was found still clutching a baby. The infant had been shot in the back of the head and the woman in the face, the BBC reported.

So there was no reason to remove Saddam from power? He's such a nice guy, we should have just left him alone.

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Cat Stevens a terrorist?

September 22, 2004 at 10:50 AM

Yusuf Islam, the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens, forced a D.C.-bound flight to land prematurely after his name popped up on a terrorist watch list.

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CBS misled?

September 20, 2004 at 12:33 PM

CBS is shirking the blame for the apparently forged memos challenging President Bush's military service. PowerlineBlog was one of the first places to challenge their veracity and now that the pressure has mounted on them, CBS is claiming they were misled about their authenticity.

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