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New Braunfels schools to randomly drug test

May 17, 2005 at 08:36 AM

They're going to be drug testing in New Braunfels schools now. It's NBISD and not Comal ISD (where I went and taught) but it's still pretty big news. They'll be testing students who are involved in extracurricular activities, who purchase an optional school parking permit or whose parents request that their children be tested.

The penalties only include suspension from extracurricular activities and counseling but I'm sure parents are still pissed that anyone is parenting their children. If they don't raise them right then no one should!

Full article posted below because requiring registration and then disabling right-click is BS.

NEW BRAUNFELS - Students who are involved in extracurricular activities, who buy a school parking pass or whose parents request it will be subject to random drug tests in the New Braunfels School District beginning Aug. 1.

School board trustees, in a 5-0 vote, instructed the district staff to craft a policy for testing those students in grades 7 though 12.

Trustees Paul Fisher and Randy Rust were absent.

The policy will have to pass two readings, the first of which is scheduled for June 20.

Trustees said they want an aggressive program that will include testing for steroids.

"Hit and hit hard and make sure they know we mean business," said Trustee Ed Clark, who urged the board to set aside at least $50,000 for testing so students know there is a high probability they will be tested. "I also would not mind going beyond the extent of the rulings of the courts. ... Test all of them."

Court rulings limit testing to students who are involved in extracurricular activities, who purchase an optional school parking permit or whose parents request that their children be tested, which is what the board approved Monday night.

"I'm interested in doing what we can do legally now, where we know we are on safe ground," said Trustee Rob Johnson.

Trustees did not give the staff any direction on what the policy should include as far as consequences of positive drug tests.

However, Superintendent Ron Reaves said he will use the Fredericksburg School District's policy as a starting point.

For a first positive test, that policy calls for a 45-day suspension from extracurricular activities, completion of a drug awareness program and retesting. For a second positive test, it's a one-year suspension from extracurricular activities and drug counseling.

The San Marcos and Marble Falls school districts also have mandatory student drug testing policies.

San Marcos' policy does not include any suspension of privileges for a first failed test.

Only one resident addressed the board, although a public hearing held last year attracted mostly supporters of testing.

Monday, Pat Lynch Jr. urged the board to approve a program.

"I believe you can never fix a problem until you admit there is a problem," he said.

Trustee Lee Edwards said the goal of the testing is to give kids a reason to stand up to peer pressure to do drugs.

"If it stops 10 kids today, it's worth it," he said. "If it keeps one kid out of the emergency room, it's worth it. If it stops one teen pregnancy, it's worth it."

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