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Review: iPod mini
I've had my mini for almost a month now and I felt I should post my thoughts on it. Overall it's awesome. It works like a charm, easy to use, functional, stylish, easy to carry, and sounds great. I wear almost exclusively while working out, I don't really have many other occasions to listen to music. It's great in the gym. It clips easily onto waistband with the included belt clip. The earphones stay... Continue reading
Review: In the Cut
Not a bad drama, although it did piss me off several times. Meg Ryan (Franny Thorstin) plays a bit of a nitwit. The typical female victim, she's always following unquestioningly into obvious danger. Walk through the ghetto all alone in the middle of the night? Sounds great! A strange man wants to take me in his car into the middle of the woods? Sure, why not? Are there women in the world that are... Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment & Reviews
Breaking news...
In a wonderful terrible turn of world events, Mandy Moore and Andy Roddick have broken up. You heard it hear first unless you were watching SportsCenter just now. I can't believe it finally happened, I'm so freaking excited dissapointed. I really thought they would make it. It's a damn glorious day shame, I really thought those two kids would make it.... Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment
Review: School of Rock
Watched School of Rock in class today, man I love teaching. No wait, I freaking can't stand it that's why I'm blowing it off and just showing movies. I really don't understand though how these stupid kids manage to be annoying and complain even on movie day. Just shut up and sleep if you don't like it. Argh. The movie is pretty good, I wanted to see it when it was in theaters but... Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment & Reviews
Review: A Walk to Remember
Rating: 2.5/5Get it from! Okay, I made fun of it a lot during the movie and I probably will take a lot of shots at it in this review, but honestly A Walk to Remember wasn't that bad. I mean it wasn't great and it was corny sometimes, but at least it was a good story and well acted. Mandy Moore (Jamie Sullivan) plays a girl dying of leukemia who is the stereotypical quiet,... Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment & Reviews
Review: Passion of the Christ
I don't know exactly what I was expecting, but I came away from watching The Passion of the Christ with a lot of dissapointment. It was a good movie, but not as earth-shattering or shocking as I had been lead to believe. The reviews and uproar made it seem like it was going to be some sort of life changing event. It was a well shot, well acted, and accurate depiction of Christ's life,... Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment & Reviews