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Switch Pitcher versus Switch Hitter
Minor league baseball game featuring a switch pitcher facing off against a switch hitter. Hilarity ensues: And here's the full thing:... Continue reading
IGN gives Grand Theft Auto 4 perfect 10
Only a few more days to wait... Grand Theft Auto 4 comes out April 29th and I'll have it in my hands soon after. The first review is up online and has given the game a perfect 10. The first time in many years that they've handed out that score. Definitely the most excited I've been about playing a game in a long while. Go read the seven page written review or watch the... Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment & Games & Video
Global Warming is No Longer an Issue
Al Gore has done it, he's ended global warming. Annoying liberal idiot Al Sharpton and annoying conservative moron Pat Robertson are sharing a couch together in a new commercial for the Alliance for Climate Protection. Watch the commercial: Pat Robertson and Al Sharpton Commercial from By getting those two together on an issue, Gore has officially made hell freeze over. No need to conserve anymore or drive silly hybrid cars, global cooling is on... Continue reading
Posted in Current Affairs & Video
Meet the Family: Christopher Walken Family Reunion
Funny Saturday Night Live skit featuring every cast member doing their Christopher Walken impression at a Walken Family reunion: By the way Hulu is actually really nice and SNL is actually funny again.... Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment & Video
Obama "Borrows" For His Speech
"It is a rare condition, this day and age, to read any good news on the newspaper page." "Real love bursting out of every seam." Jaleel White must be furious.... Continue reading
Trinity U. Wins Game on 15 Lateral Final Play
Down by two with only a couple seconds left in the game Trinity University out of San Antonio didn't have much hope against the mighty Millsaps Majors. One play, 61 yards, and fifteen laterals later the Tigers were celebrating an improbably victory. Check out the video below: Trinity did a great job of keeping the play alive and it actually looked like all of the laterals were legit laterals. Plays like this almost always end... Continue reading
The Sooners lose to Boise State again in NCAA 08
The Oklahoma Sooners lost to Boise State in historic fashion in last year's Fiesta Bowl, and it looks like EA isn't going to let them forget it. One of the biggest features they're touting in NCAA Football 08 (due out in July) is all the new trick plays they've added to the expanded play books. To highlight the feature, they're using a clip of Boise State using the Statue of Liberty play to beat OU... Continue reading
Posted in Games & Sports & Video
Alanis Morissette covers "My Humps"
One of the funniest things I've seen/heard in a long time, Alanis Morissette covering Fergie's terrible song "My Humps": Funny stuff. No matter how many times I watch it I still crack up. I knew the lyrics in that song were bad, but I didn't realize they were this bad. It's incredible that someone with as little musical talent has had a career in music as long as Stacy Ferguson.... Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment & Humor & Video | 2 Comments
I'm so excited... I'm so... scared!
One of the best scenes ever from Saved by the Bell: Not as emotional as when Zack and Kelly broke up, but Elizabeth Berkley gives one of the best acting jobs in the history of Saturday morning television. This is why I don't do drugs.... Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment & Video
Sony unveils PlayStation Home
Yesterday Sony unveiled Home, their blend of Second Life, Xbox 360 Achievements, and Nintendo Mii's for the PlayStation 3. Looks incredibly cool and is one of the first things (other than Final Fantasy XIII) that has me taking a serious look at the PS3. Get more details from IGN and check out the short demo below:... Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment & Games & Video
Aggies' worst nightmare come true
This movie is definite Academy Award material for next year, but will probably be banned in Bryan/College Station. Coming soon to a theater near you: A genetic engineering experiment goes horribly wrong, turning sheep into bloodthirsty killers. From the same effects studio behind Lord of the Rings, Black Sheep will be in theaters June 22nd. Get ready for the violence of the lambs. (Watch higher quality version) Update: Well talk about coincidence, the movie will... Continue reading
The Writers of Lost
See how the writers of the hit TV series "Lost" come up with all those crazy plot twists when you watch the behind-the-scenes footage below (warning: NSFW language):... Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment & Humor & NSFW & Video