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IGN gives Grand Theft Auto 4 perfect 10

April 26, 2008 at 12:43 AM

Only a few more days to wait... Grand Theft Auto 4 comes out April 29th and I'll have it in my hands soon after. The first review is up online and IGN.com has given the game a perfect 10. The first time in many years that they've handed out that score. Definitely the most excited I've been about playing a game in a long while. Go read the seven page written review or watch the... Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment & Games & Video

Global Warming is No Longer an Issue

April 19, 2008 at 04:38 PM

Al Gore has done it, he's ended global warming. Annoying liberal idiot Al Sharpton and annoying conservative moron Pat Robertson are sharing a couch together in a new commercial for the Alliance for Climate Protection. Watch the commercial: Pat Robertson and Al Sharpton Commercial from YouTube.com By getting those two together on an issue, Gore has officially made hell freeze over. No need to conserve anymore or drive silly hybrid cars, global cooling is on... Continue reading

Posted in Current Affairs & Video

Meet the Family: Christopher Walken Family Reunion

April 13, 2008 at 12:03 PM

Funny Saturday Night Live skit featuring every cast member doing their Christopher Walken impression at a Walken Family reunion: By the way Hulu is actually really nice and SNL is actually funny again.... Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment & Video