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Headed home...

October 22, 2004 at 11:54 AM

Wow, it's been a long time since I've been home to New Braunfels. In fact, I haven't been since we moved up here to Dallas in early June. Over four months, definitely the longest I've ever been gone. I can't stand spending my precious weekends driving, I'd much rather sit on my ass and watch 48 hours of football. Now it's not like I'm neglecting my family or have run away never to return again,... Continue reading

Posted in Personal | 3 Comments

BrianBehrend.com: Version 3.0

October 17, 2004 at 05:57 PM

I want to start this off by saying Internet Explorer blows. Big time. For some reason, the same HTML and the same damn CSS don't result in the same damn thing. On certain pages in IE the main content area is too wide and has some extra white background crap sticking around. POS outdated browser! It's done (sorta) For the most part things are functioning throughout the site in both good browsers and the one... Continue reading

Posted in Site Updates | 5 Comments

Review: Friday Night Lights

October 16, 2004 at 12:22 PM

Christina and I went to see "Friday Night Lights" last night, it was entertaining and pissed me off at the same time. The H.G. Bissinger book the movie is based on is easily one of my all-time favorites, I read it several times while I was in middle school and high school. The book does an amazing job telling the story of the Permian High School football team and it's players, but it's just... Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment & Reviews

Astros versus Cardinals

October 13, 2004 at 03:31 PM

The National League Championshop Series starts tonight, but you might not know that if you're just following the national sports media. Monday night's Astros/Braves game was preceded by a brutal half hour pregame show where all they talked about was the Yankees versus Red Sox series. Hell, even here in Dallas Fox is showing that game instead of Game 1 of the Astros series. We're in Texas, show the damn Astros for Pete's sake!... Continue reading

Posted in Sports | 2 Comments

Ken Caminiti: 1963 - 2004

October 11, 2004 at 08:25 AM

Ken Caminiti died yesterday at the age of 41. The cause of death is apparently a heart attack, most likely caused either directly on indirectly by his years of drug abuse. He was in court just last week for violating his probation by testing positive for cocaine. Unfortunately for Caminiti, his good Major League career will likely be overshadowed by his untimely death and his admission that he used steroids during his career, including... Continue reading

Posted in Sports

Temporary skin

October 10, 2004 at 09:51 PM

Changes aplenty have been made and a whole new look is almost ready. For those of you using Firefox or on a Mac, you can catch a glimpse of the future by visiting the redesigned weblog page here. Otherwise you get a temporary new look until the other one is completely ready. There are still many changes/fixes to be made, namely IE compatibility. I also want to make some changes to the way individual entry... Continue reading

Posted in Site Updates | 2 Comments

Leopards are sissies

October 07, 2004 at 02:39 PM

Mike and I just spent the last ten minutes here at work in the break room. We were hoping to see a no holds barred brawl between a leopard and a crocodile. Unfortunately, it appears that leopards are cowards. Originally there was just one of each fighting over a carcass the leopard had killed, but soon there was a twelve croc posse squaring off against the leopard and his two homies. It looked like when... Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment | 1 Comments

Big week in sports

October 04, 2004 at 09:47 AM

It's going to either be a really long or really fast week. The Astros capped off an amazing comeback with another win yesterday and are headed to the playoffs as the wild-card winner. Unfortunately, they'll be facing my other favorite team the Atlanta Braves. Again. The Braves beat Houston in the first round in 1997, 1999, and 2001. It'll be tough, I want both teams to win. At least I hope Lance has a... Continue reading

Posted in Sports | 2 Comments

None of the above

October 02, 2004 at 01:17 PM

I'm tired of politics. John Kerry has no opinion and everyone thinks George Bush's opinions is wrong. So I'm going to try to tune it all out till after November. I'm getting all my news from Jon Stewart. Like GW? Then this is absolutely hilarious: The Ultimate John Kerry Ad John Kerry fan? Then you should watch this: Whitehouse West... Continue reading

Posted in Current Affairs & Humor

What do you think?

October 02, 2004 at 12:12 PM

My brother and his wife have asked that I design and set up a site for them. They just want something where they can display images and post their thoughts, so it'll probably be a pretty simple MovableType installation. I spent some time yesterday and this morning coming up with something to start with. What do ya'll think?... Continue reading

Posted in Design & Personal | 4 Comments