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Leopards are sissies

October 07, 2004 at 02:39 PM

Mike and I just spent the last ten minutes here at work in the break room. We were hoping to see a no holds barred brawl between a leopard and a crocodile. Unfortunately, it appears that leopards are cowards.

Originally there was just one of each fighting over a carcass the leopard had killed, but soon there was a twelve croc posse squaring off against the leopard and his two homies. It looked like when it was one on one something might go down, despite the crocodile being at least three times the leopard's size. That would have made the whole day of work worth it.

Damn sissy leopards. They backed down about three seconds after they saw how many they were up against. Maybe we can set up some sort of lion versus alligator cage match.

We also thought they might try to mate for a second, but then we decided that neither "leopodile" or "crocopard" are catchy enough to make it worthwhile. If you're going to have freakish mutant animal crossbreeds they at least have to have a name with some zing to it.


1 Christina said...

Um, SLACKERS. I wish we had a tv at the office. :-(

Leopodile sounds like a pedophilic leopard.
Crocopard sounds like a retarded crocodile.

Posted on October 07, 2004 at 03:36 PM