86 things we hate about you
86 funny reasons to hate the Boston Red Sox.

Posted in Sports
Jermaine O'Neal thinks NBA age limit is racist
How is that racism? Almost all college basketball players are black too. That makes no sense. Agree or disagree with an age limit in the NBA, the idea that it's racist is moronic.
For every Amare Stoudemire and LeBron James, there's 10 Leon Smith's.

Posted in Sports | 11 Comments
Why can't anyone throw a baseball faster than 100 mph?
Good article on why major league pitchers aren't throwing a baseball faster than 100 MPH even as they're getting bigger and stronger.
(via Kottke)

Posted in Sports
Michael Vick is being sued by a woman who claims he knowingly gave her an STD. He allegedly uses the name Ron Mexico
for the purpose of his testing and treatments.
Berg tried to buy the RonMexico.com domain but was one day too late. Now whoever beat him too it has a site up with nothing but a link to a CafePress store. My favorite item is the thong.

Posted in Funny & Sports | 3 Comments
Orangebloods.com 2006 football recruiting board
The Longhorns now have 17 commits for the 2006 season, 4 or 5 of them are considered the best in the state at their positions. At this time last year we had maybe one or two, and even on Signing Day only 14. Not too shabby.
This is one of the few free articles from Orangebloods, a pay site that I try to quit but can't.
Update: Want more info on Texas Longhorn recruiting? Check out BevoSports.com!

Posted in Sports
Damian Moss among 38 minor leaguers caught using steroids
Damian Moss had a great year or two for the Braves before he was traded for Russ Ortiz. I really liked him as a player. His career went downhill after leaving Leo Mazzone and apparently he turned to performance enhancing drugs.
No current Astros or Braves were caught.

Posted in Sports
Alex Sanchez first MLB player suspended for steroids
Notice that it's a Tampa Bay Devil Ray and someone most people have never heard of.

Posted in Sports
My bracket is an outright embarrassment

2,496,993rd place.
Seriously, I could've drawn teams out of a hat and done better than that. You have to intentionally be bad to get only two teams out of the Elite 8.

Posted in Sports
Blog Maverick

Blog Maverick is a great site for open and honest discussion from a person you wouldn't normally be able to get that from. How many billionaire, CEO, NBA owners have a weblog where they come and talk so frankly about sports, technology, and world events?
His sports posts can sometimes be a little long and whiny, but almost every single post on technology is well-written and spot on. I definitely have a lot more respect for Cuban after reading his thoughts on things. He's really an intelligent and likable guy.

Posted in Blogroll & Sports & Tech
ESPN Insider: Fantasy Games blog

I'd love to add this to my blogroll, but I can't because there's no freaking RSS feed. ESPN.com has feeds for just about everything, but for the few items they actually call blogs
they don't. Doesn't make much sense.
I'm guessing that since it's an Insider only feature, they don't want to be giving away the content. They could at least offer a feed with just the excerpts, it would encourage people to pay up to see the rest of the content and allow me to know when it was updated.
Oh well, if you're an ESPN Insider, then be sure to check them out because there's some great stuff in there. Fantasy sports junkies will especially enjoy it.

Posted in Sports | 1 Comments
Detroit is a cess pool
The city of Detroit really just keeps outdoing itself.

Posted in Sports
Saban open to Williams rejoining Dolphins
Still no real word on Ricky's feelings about returning, but it seems Nick Saban and the Dolphins would be open to it. The article actually claims they'd be open to having him and a top round pick like Cedric Benson in the backfield together. I can't imagine them still drafting a running back that early if he comes back.

Posted in Sports | 2 Comments
Bonds may miss entire season
Barry Bonds reportedly may miss the entire season because of his knee injury.
Maybe this is some sort of hush, hush steroid suspension? Jason Giambi missed almost all of last year, now this. Intersting.
Nice quote to point out why no one likes Bonds and wants him to go down:
You wanted me to jump off the bridge, I finally have jumped. You wanted to bring me down, you've finally brought me and my family down. Finally done it. From everybody, all of you. So now go pick a different person. I'm done. Do the best I can, that's about it.
Ummm, Barry we weren't the ones who brought your family down. It might have been your mistress of nine years.

Posted in Sports | 1 Comments
The Couch-to-5K Running Plan
It's awfully complicated and starts off pretty easy, but it might be something I can do before work in the mornings.
(via LifeHacker)

Posted in Sports | 1 Comments
Roberto Alomar retires
Alomar was one of my favorite players back in the day, you know until he spit in an umpires face.

Posted in Sports | 1 Comments
Nelson resigns, Avery Johnson takes over
I'm sure the local media will be behind this, they're all big fans of Avery. Of course most people are big fans of Avery Johnson, because he seems like a great guy, he's short, and he has a funny voice. What's not to like?

Posted in Sports
McGwire refuses to answer if he used steroids

Mark McGwire stated that his lawyers advised him not to answer certain questions, and in the great American tradition of jumping to conclusions and assume that means he's guilty.

Posted in Sports
Texas Angels go co-ed
They'll now be the Texas Angels and Gabriels. How freaking lame is that?
The official duties of a Texas Angel are:
The Texas Angels are a group of young women whose primary duty is to promote The University of Texas football program, while assisting the staff with the recruiting of prospective student-athletes.
I guess guys can handle the first part of that, but I'm not sure a bunch of Gabriels
are really going to help in recruitment.
(via Orangebloods message boards)

Posted in Sports
Employers face millions in productivity losses due to NCAA Tourney
At least the Longhorns don't play till 6 tonight.
Update: Want more info on NCAA March Madness? Check out BevoSports.com!

Posted in Sports
McGwire again linked to steroids
If we ever have concrete proof Mark McGwire and/or Barry Bonds were on steroids then every single statistic and record of theirs should be taken away.

Posted in Sports