Greg Davis to the NFL?
Rumors have UT coordinator Greg Davis headed to the Texans and maybe Vince Young and Ricky Williams too? I doubt any of them end up true.

Posted in Sports
Bevo Sports' bowl coverage
A lot of information and opinions on the Rose Bowl and the rest of the NCAAF bowl season.

Posted in Sports | 1 Comments
Vince Young on Pardon the Interruption
I'm mainly linking to it because the Flash Video (FLV) thing is pretty darn cool. And my PHP foo is getting stronger.

Posted in Sports
Panthers cheerleaders arrested in bar sex incident
Not the normal fair here, but I thought this was too good not to post...
Two Carolina Panthers cheerleaders were arrested after a bar dispute that broke out early Sunday after patrons complained the women were having sex in a bathroom stall, a police arrest report said.

Posted in Sports
Hooking a Heisman?
Terry Bowden moves Vince Young to the top of his Heisman list, where we've had him for a while.

Posted in Sports | 2 Comments
ESPN's early 2006 MLB Power Rankings
What a surprise, ESPN is claiming the Mets will win the National League East. Just like they do every year. And just like every year the Braves will win it and even more likely, the Mets will suck.

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The Texas/USC double standard
Why do slow starts mean USC has heart and Texas has weaknesses?

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Ugly uniform epidemic
Florida and Virginia Tech both displayed some hideous uniforms this weekend. Miami will displaying similar ones soon as well.

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Mazzone heading to Baltimore
I wonder if there's anything else going on that would make Mazzone so eager to leave Atlanta. He almost went to the Yankees before signing with the Orioles.
He's a very large part of the Braves' success the last 15 years, I hope they're able to continue without him.

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Reserve your Rose Bowl tickets now
Bid on the ability to buy Rose Bowl tickes for face value.
(via Bevo Sports)

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Lance Berkman is the anti-Killer B
Makes him sound like a bit of a jackass, but overall a very positive article of Lance's ability and his personality.

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Griffey, Giambi named comeback players of '05
What exactly was Jason Giambi coming back from? Steroid withdrawals? No way he should've won the award.

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Braves may surprise people
They may not win it all this year, but at least they're fun to watch again.

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Braves win 14th straight division title
They've won every title since I was ten.

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Tiger Woods signs deal to endorse A-Rod
A-Rod wants to be recognized not just as a star, but as an honest and hard-working individual, and the easiest way for A-Rod to get people to perceive him in this fashion is to sign a much more beloved athlete to tell them that.
I really need to remember to read The Onion more often.

Barry Bonds is a piece of crap human being
Trying to use the tragedy in the Gulf Coast to distract from the fact that he's on steroids. Just because people still want you to admit you're a cheater doesn't mean we've forgotten about the people affected by Hurricane Katrina.

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College football TV listings
College football season has officially begun, don't miss a game!

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Happy 47th Julio!
Julio Franco turns 47 today, and for all we know he may really be more like 50. He will become the oldest man to ever homer in a game the next time he hits one out.

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NCAA backtracks a little
Florida State threatened to sue over the NCAA's moronic ruling and they backpedaled as fast as they could. I imagine the threats and lawsuits will keep on coming till they repeal the whole stupid thing.

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Lawrence Phillips runs down kids
At least he's finally trying to kill men, he usually sticks to beating women.

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