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So how many XM and Sirius subscribers are there really?

January 14, 2006 at 08:56 PM

I'm loving my Sirius radio Christina got me for Christmas. Looks like both services may end up being a success. (via)

Comments and TrackBacks

1 Don S from CT said...

I just got my Sirius radio and installed it in my car and am now hooked....so nice not to have half my ride in being car dealers commercials and morgage brokers...instead i now have 95% music or howard stern to put a smile on my face before i punch in for my workday...sorry Courtney,Steve and Jeff at Kiss 95.7 in Hartford....it was good while it lasted but I HATE commercials!

Posted on January 22, 2006 at 03:01 PM

2 Nikos said...

I got my Sirius radio a few weeks a ago and it is the best. I got Howard in the morning who's free of the FCC and better than ever, as well as a reliable traffic channel, and a ton of rock stations. I'm from NY and I couldn't tolarate David Lee Roth's suck ass show for one second. Furthermore the redio stations just play the same lame old music. I will never go back to regular radio again.

Posted on February 09, 2006 at 05:39 PM

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