
Engadget has supplanted Gizmodo as my main source for news on gadgets and consumer electronics. Updated almost non-stop during the week, it's an amazing resource for anybody obsessed with knowing about the latest and greatest gadgets that are out there.
Unlike Gizmodo, you can also comment and participate in the discussion that follows. Other readers will often provide more useful info or links. Despite the morons that come out anytime Macs or Microsoft or the Playstation 2 or the Game Boy Advance are mentioned, allowing for this interactivity is one of the reasons the site is so great.
I've turned half the office onto the site and now we're all wasting our days away there.

Posted in Blogroll & Tech | 1 Comments | Add yours
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1 Peter Rojas said...
I'm really flattered that you've been enjoying the site so much and that you'd want to recommend it to other people.
We're going to try and do something comment boards a little less annoying. We've noticed as well that you can't mention the iPod without a holy war breaking out, and we'd like to make sure that as the site grows that reading and posting comments remains useful to people.
Posted on March 29, 2005 at 11:02 AM