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Aggie Goat Camp

January 25, 2005 at 08:58 AM

No seriously. Aggieland Goat Camp. Goat. Camp. It's just too easy.


For all my parents have given me, the thing I'm most thankful for is that I wasn't raised an Aggie.

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Posted in Funny | 2 Comments | Add yours


1 C Bird said...

Just so you know Aggieland Goat Camp is a wonderful and very educational experience for kids who are learning to show goats in the county and major livestock shows. The kids bring their own goats so the leaders can help them with showmanship. You also learn all about goats, their meat, how to care for them, how to pick a winning goat for your show and what the judges are looking for in the shows. I did not grow up showing animals in the livestock shows, but my husband did and my children are now showing goats and pigs. The kids raise their animals and train them for the show. They also sell the animals at an auction and use the money they earn to purchase and feed the animals for the next show. They can also earn scholarship money for college, which is how my husband paid for most of is education at Texas A&M. The information learned at this camp is very helpful and educational. A&M also has pig camp.

Posted on February 21, 2005 at 03:43 PM

2 Brian said...

I'm sure it is a great experience, it doesn't make it any less funny. The quote out of context was particularly amusing. Aggies have a "Fish Camp" too, do you have to provide your own fish?

It's all in good fun, half of my family are Aggies including several Poultry Science majors in there. What's the point of being an Aggie or Longhorn if it doesn't entitle you to mock the other one for the rest of your life.

Posted on February 21, 2005 at 03:54 PM

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