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D. Keith Robinson: Web design details
A nice detailed list of details that are important to consider when building sites. Unlike Cameron Moll's advice that I posted on a couple days ago, all of these definitely pertain to web development.
Most of the items in the list are simple and straight-forward, but stuff you're liable to forget if it's not a habit.
Posted in Design | 0 Comments
Eight things I wish I’d known when I started
Excellent advice on being a designer from Cameron Moll, most of which apply to all forms of design including web. Several thoughts should be very helpful to me as I try to figure out exactly how the hell I'm gonna pull this stuff off. Fortunately for me I already am pretty good about doing his number one thing, focusing on all details large and small.
Every element added to a design, whether print or web, decreases the importance of every other element already on the page.
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