Stock footage additions, plus the original source!
An update to an update to an update.
The girl in the blue hat and shell necklace that first amazed us with her ability to go to school with Dell and Gateway at the same time, has shown up several more times in the last week. Plus, I finally got curious enough to look for the original source and was able locate it pretty easily.

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Reef bottle opener sandals

Never let anything get in your way of being completely sloshed all the time again.

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UT ranks first as source for new Fortune 1000 CEOs
Four Texas graduates were named CEO's of Fortune 1,000 companies this year. Three of those four were McCombs School of Business grads.

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Do I know this girl?

Amanda is a Hooter's girl (well at least she didn't lie and say she's in med school) from New Braunfels in the Maxim Hometown Hotties contest. She looks familiar in the picture on the left, but I'm not sure. How come it'll say they're weight but not age, weird.
Any New Braunfelsinians recognize her?

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I'd vote for either Joy or Emily. Maddison's parents need to learn how to spell. Two d's in Madison. Ugh.
How come none of the girls are from Arizona (well one)? There must not be any cute girls in the entire state.

(via TUAW)

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Where's Durstan?
Ethan announced the release of Professional CSS at SXSW last week, and we soon realized that not only was Dunstan not on the cover, his name was misspelled Durstan.
I whipped up the new cover image on the right instead of paying attention to some crappy Flash panel and posted it at Malarkey's, and now everyone is having good fun playing Where's Durstan?
See if you can find him here, here, here, here here, or here.

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Dear Oklahoma
A letter stating Oklahoma's suckage.

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Staying organized
Tips on staying organized in work and life.

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Stock footage laziness
An update to my exposé on lazy companies using the exact same girl from the exact same photoset in different ads. First was Dell and Gateway, then Vivarin, then Samsung, and just now I saw her in an ad for H&R Block.
If I saw her this many times, how many other ads must she be in?

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I don't get the point of 'The Gates'
Kottke and many of the other weblogs I read have linked to them over and over, but I just don't understand the purpose of The Gates
. They appear to be orange fabric suspended from an orange set of poles, times a seven and a half thousand. They seem to really overwhelm Central Park.
Is it art? A statement? Neither? How did it cost $20 million? I'm not the only one wondering.

Posted in Photos & Random | 18 Comments - A9 Instant Reward is now giving a small discount (1.57% off) to anyone who uses their A9 search engine. Not too bad for doing nothing. All you have to do is search approximately once a week, and their block view
is very cool.

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Leta in the NY Times
Damn that kid is famous, luckily she's cute enough to deserve it.
The New York Times does an article on Mommy Blogs
, so of course has to feature and Leta. She talks about it here, mentioning the perils of freaking logging in to read an article on their site. She should have told her dad about BugMeNot.

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I don't get it. It's completely see-thru. It's kind of like a bigger, more obnoxious, Do Not Disturb
sign for your cubicle. Might be pretty useful if it was more opaque.
Or you could just be a bad ass like me and have a big wooden door to your office.
(via Woot)

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