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TiVoToGo launches!!!

January 03, 2005 at 08:16 AM

TiVoToGo is officially available. You can now send recorded shows to your PC, but DVD burning is still not available. Unfortunately the Sonic MyDVD software that's going to be required is going to cost additional money, hopefully not too much.

It's perfect timing, I can send my newly recorded copy of The Rose Bowl and keep it forever.

Update: Looks like your actual TiVo box actually has to have a certain software update for it to work. You need version 7.1.x and I have something like 4.2 or so. Pretty dissappointing if you ask me. I signed up to be on the priority updates list, but it could still be a week or two before I'm ready to go.

(via PVRblog)

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