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Confederate statues at UT face uncertain future
The University of Texas is exploring options about what to do with several statues honoring Confederate leaders on campus. It seems like the issue comes up every few years but every time they decide to do nothing. The statues have in recent history become a topic of debate among students, professors and administrators. They include four bronze figures on the campus South Mall honoring Confederate leaders such as Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederate States,... Continue reading
Posted in College & Current Affairs
My Gift This Christmas... A Special Christmas Box
NBC may have actually figured out this whole Internet thing finally. Last December they were pulling the hilarious "Lazy Sunday" (the Chronicles of Narnia Rap) off of YouTube but this year they're actually putting funny, exclusive content up on the site. Check out the NSFW, uncensored Christmas song from Andy Samberg and Justin Timberlake below: The song isn't actually any funnier with the expletive in the song than it was without it. The most interesting... Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment & Humor & Video
Detroit pitcher injured by Guitar Hero
Detroit Tigers fireballer Joel Zumaya was sidelined during this year's American League Championship Series against Oakland. The 22 year old reliever pitched only a single inning during the series because of an injured forearm. Now thanks to a radio interview with general manager Dave Dombrowski we know that Zumaya's inflamed forearm came thanks to the PS2 game Guitar Hero: During the radio interview, Dombrowski said the Tigers' athletic training staff discovered that Zumaya's forearm... Continue reading