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The Big Apple
These are photos from our first ever trip to New York City this past weekend. We were there for five days and had a great time. We tried to do as much as possible without wearing ourselves out, and I think we did a pretty good job. We missed out on a few sites, but overall hit all the important spots. The photoset includes 266 photos from all over New York City. Times Square,... Continue reading
They are never showing another new episode of Lost
Seriously, it's just rerun after rerun. Tonight the TiVo thought it was a new one and recorded it, so Christina and I sit down to watch it and sure enough, it's a brand new episode! Sorta. Not really. Okay, not at all. It was a never before seen episode consisting of clips of all the previous episodes. What a crock. If it wasn't for TiVo, I'd have moved on by now. I wonder how many... Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment | 5 Comments
Flickr gives me presents
When Flickr announced they had been acquired by Yahoo they mentioned they planned to reward all of us cool kids with goodies since we knew Flickr was the next big thing and bought Pro accounts early. That way everyone else would know we were better than them. Yesterday I got the email letting me know what gift I was getting: 1. Double what you paid for! Your original 1 year pro account has been... Continue reading
Posted in Web/Tech | 5 Comments
First screenshot of next-gen Madden
EA Sports is providing one screenshot per day on their site till the NFL Draft on Saturday. At which point they'll debut a 60-second preview of the next-generation of Madden Football. It will only air once. Must set TiVo. Update: Well I guess they meant it will only air on TV once, because they posted the commercial to their site. Here's the direct link. Update 2: They moved all the files so that direct... Continue reading
Posted in Games | 1 Comments
I gave my dog away this weekend
Christina and I are going to New York City next weekend for five days. Since Reesey was going to have to be boarded for that time anyways, we decided to take her to Man's Best Friend. They do professional training as well as boarding, so we thought we'd get her five or six days of training while we were away. Wrong. The shortest stay (for training) at Man's Best Friend is 14 days. After... Continue reading
Posted in Personal | 1 Comments
My favorites
A new photoset to collect and display all my own personal favorites. The gallery will continue to grow as I add new photos to it. Check out the photoset or view the slideshow on flickr.... Continue reading
The NCAA academic standards are a joke
The NCAA is proving their stupidity once again: Computer science is being eliminated as an acceptable core-course area for students entering any college or university on or after August 1, 2005. Students entering college on or after August 1, 2005, may not use any computer science courses in meeting the core-course requirements. So according to the NCAA and this PDF, it's okay to get an 820 on your SAT with a 2.5 GPA as long... Continue reading
Posted in Current Affairs | 1 Comments
My MLB 2005 Predictions: National League Edition
Busy, busy, busy lately, so my National League picks took a while to get done. Maybe since I've seen a few games they'll actually be a little more accurate, I doubt it. Starting off with the easy one, the NL East... Atlanta Florida (Wild Card winner) Washington Philadelphia New York Mets First and second were pretty easy to choose, after all the Braves have won thirty-seven division titles in a row. Florida has a... Continue reading
Posted in Sports | 2 Comments
My MLB 2005 predictions: American League Edition
With the real Opening day finally here (both the Braves and the Astros play their first games today), I thought I'd post my predictions for this year's Major League Baseball season. This way I can come back in October and see how smart I was, or maybe wasn't. Let's start with the American League East, home of the only two teams the media thinks exist: Boston New York (Wild Card winner) Toronto Tampa Bay... Continue reading
Posted in Sports | 12 Comments
'Fox Reality' to debut in May
The apocalypse is officially upon us, Fox is debuting a 24-hour reality network. I guess it's essentially just like regular Fox except without The Simpsons, The O.C., or your local news. Or even new episodes of the one reality show I do watch, American Idol. Maybe they'll show less reality drivel on regular Fox, but I doubt we're that lucky. For once I'm glad I have Grande, I won't accidentally stumble onto this crap while... Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment
Best Buy to stop offering rebates
Best Buy has announced (BugMeNot) that it will no longer be offering mail-in-rebates or even manufacturer rebates in the near future. They will have completely eliminated all rebates in the next 24 months. Retailers use rebates because it allows them to advertise a lower price that many people actually won't take advantage of. Regardless of the amount I will always mail it in, so I benefit. I'm sure there will still be discounts and... Continue reading
Posted in Current Affairs | 4 Comments
Playing tennis while high
Despite the fact that I don't really care about tennis, I thought this was way too cool not to post. Andre Agassi and Roger Federer played a friendly tennis match atop the Burj Al Arab Hotel helicopter pad in Dubai. The pictures are really amazing, I'd have been scared to death. A big gust of wind knock your butt right off the top. There's nets on the edges, but still. Very cool. (via 37signals)... Continue reading
Posted in Sports | 2 Comments