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The NCAA academic standards are a joke

April 13, 2005 at 03:31 PM

The NCAA is proving their stupidity once again:

Computer science is being eliminated as an acceptable core-course area for students entering any college or university on or after August 1, 2005. Students entering college on or after August 1, 2005, may not use any computer science courses in meeting the core-course requirements.

So according to the NCAA and this PDF, it's okay to get an 820 on your SAT with a 2.5 GPA as long as you don't take computer science. Please don't try to push yourself and take a challenging course. Heaven forbid you learn some valuable computer skills and possibly find something you might really enjoy as a career.

Kevin Schofield guesses it's because schools are teaching basic computer lit classes and calling it computer science. (Sidenote: God I wish Comal ISD required a basic computer literacy class.) Rather than deciding on a case by case basis, they just eliminated all computer science courses as acceptable courses. Yes, even Advanced Placement CS no longer counts while Algebra I still does.

I'm so glad I'm not teaching anymore.


1 Jess said...

seriously... what. the. crap.

...I bet they never took a freaking AP CS class... gah...

Posted on April 13, 2005 at 10:39 PM