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Review: Garden State
Great freaking movie. Zach Braff is officially my favorite actor right now, he really should be in more stuff. First Scrubs and now this, I officially have a totally heterosexual man-crush on the guy. The dude even has his own blog on TypePad. If I was lame and bored and had time on my hands I would totally start a Zach Braff fan site, but fortunately for my street cred I'm only two of... Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment & Reviews | 4 Comments
I'm sick and bored
I've got a nasty cold. I just feel like crap all over, I've been nauseous for much of the last two days. Plus I think the Tylenol Cold is just making me feel worse. And to add to all of that, it looks like the entire web is on vacation. All my daily reads are dormant, I've never seen the web design community so quiet. Plus the updates at Engadget, Gizmodo, and Orangebloods have all... Continue reading
Posted in Personal | 3 Comments
Christmas 2004
Reesey was a good puppy all weekend long. She played non-stop and slept the rest of the time, pretty much staying out of trouble. Her grandma even gave her tons of presents. She's got enough treats to survive a nuclear war. Pictures of Christina and me having our Christmas, my family opening presents after church on Christmas Eve, and of course little Reesey causing trouble. Check out the photoset or view the slideshow on... Continue reading
It's snowing!!!
It's snowing like crazy here right now. It snowed pretty hard briefly this morning, but now it's been really coming down for about an hour. There's at least an inch of snow on the roofs around here. Check out some camera phone shots here and photos from around the apartment here and here.... Continue reading
Posted in Personal
Sign here to surrender your soul
As a conservative person, I sure do miss the extreme weirdness of Austin. Check out this receipt from I Love Video and the agreement you're making by signing. It says, I hereby surrender my soul for all eternity to the clerks at I Luv Video and will become part of their legion of zombies. I wonder if that will hold up in court. Reminds me of that episode of The Simpsons where Homer trades... Continue reading
Posted in Humor
School holidays kick ass!
My five mile drive to work this morning took only 10 minutes, or approximately 15 minutes less than normal. Apparently about 75% of the 234,000 people that live in Plano are stay-at-home moms, because there was absolutely no one on the road this morning. Add that to the fact that none of the three school zones I have to deal with on a daily basis were active. It was smooth sailing. I love school... Continue reading
Posted in Personal
W. backs the Longhorns
This Cavalcade of Whimsy column is pretty funny every week. I wish I had found it earlier in the year. Of course the reason it's well-written and unbiased is that it's written by someone from and not someone actually from Fox Sports. This week he addresses (again) the Cal whining and the George W. Bush conspiracists. These Cal fans are pretty hilarious. Maybe they can enlist their friend Michael Moore to make a... Continue reading
Posted in Sports | 5 Comments
I love Christmas bonuses
Woohooo! We got our Christmas bonuses at work today during our luncheon. Score! I wasn't expecting much, last year they had a big party but then got crappy gift cards. This year, a simple lunch in the office and got a nice chunk of cash. Bonuses rock! I have this urge to spend it on something stupid and frivolous, but then again I already own all the frivolous crap I wanted. I guess I... Continue reading
Posted in Personal | 3 Comments
EA gets sole rights from NFL and NFLPA
Well have fun playing your ESPN Pro Football or something game next year, because it won't feature and NFL logos or teams and there won't be any players from the NFLPA in it. Electronic Arts has signed an exclusive deal with them for the next five years. QB #5 of the Philadelphia Birds drops back and throws a touchdown the WR #81. Sound fun? I didn't think so. Game, set, and match to EA Sports.... Continue reading
Posted in Games & Sports | 2 Comments
The Heisman Trophy is a joke
The fact that Cedric Benson is not one of the five finalists for the Heisman Trophy is just astounding. There are several worthy candidates this year, so whether or not he deserves to win is up to debate. His season as well as career statistics, as well as his impact on the number four team in the country make him easily a top candidate for Most Outstanding Player, which the Heisman claims to be awarded... Continue reading
Posted in Sports | 7 Comments
The Society for HandHeld Hushing
Fight back against jackasses and conversations you don't give a damn about. Join SHHH and hand out these clever cards letting people know you think they should shut the hell up!... Continue reading
Posted in Humor
My first Christmas card
It's not as special as my first Christmas, but here's my first attempt at making my own Christmas card. I am relatively satisfied with the result, especially considering I just threw it together on a whim after seeing this over at Andy Budd's site. Here's the front of the card: And here's the inside: Pretty simple, but colorful and bright. I'm hoping to find the time to come up with a couple more and then... Continue reading
Posted in Design | 8 Comments