Getting the most out of MT-Blacklist
I don't know how I didn't notice this post about MT-Blacklist sooner, I've subscribed to the RSS feed now so I won't miss new stuff again.
Great write up by Jay combining a ton of information about Blacklist that used to be scattered all over.

Posted in Development
Six Apart guide to combatting comment spam
Excellent overview to the many efforts to combat freaking comment spam. Using a ton of them in conjunction seems to be pretty successful.

Posted in Development
MovableType 3.14 released
Six Apart has reacted quickly and gotten an update out to fix the server loads caused by comment spam. MT 3.14 (what happened to 3.13?) fixes a major issue for sites out there getting hit by large and frequent comment spam attacks. Previously, if a spammer hit the site and attempted to post tons of comments, each attempt would cause a rebuild even if the comment did not get through MT-Blacklist. Looks like another new version of that is coming soon too.
The main changes in version 3.14:
- No more unnecessary rebuilds upon comment moderation.
- Generation of internal bookkeeping data for dynamic pages is not performed when using static pages.
- New weblogs default to having comment moderation enabled.
Good job guys, I'm sure we all appreciate the swift response.

Posted in Development
Referrer Spam is the New Amway
Luckily my site sucks enough that it's not an issue, though comment spam is still on the rise.

Posted in Development