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The Notebook T-Shirt

Pretty damn amusing shirt, and it's true too! Though Rachel McAdams has a lot to do with my interest in the movie.

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Denon AVR-2307CI Receiver
Beautiful A/V receiver from Denon featuring iPod integration and more importantly for me it has 2 HDMI and 3 component inputs. Something my receiver certainly can't do: it upconverts all video signals (S-video, component, etc.) and sends them to the TV via the HDMI connection.
Can't wait for units with this this feature set to come down into my price range ($350 - $500).

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HTC Tornado

Really fantastic looking successor to the Audiovox SMT 5600 that I never got. I'm sure by the next time I need a new phone (Christmas 2006 maybe?) it'll be here in the US and decently priced.

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flexDock mini

I've been interested in some sort of car charger/dock/stand for my iPod mini since I originally saw the Belkin TuneBase at iPodlounge. Ten Technology's flexDock is essentially but I've actually seen it in stores (I've only seen the FM-version of the TuneBase) and it got a better review.
It doesn't sound like the audio quality of the cassette player is too great, but I still have my iTrip mini if I need to use it.
I need to refrain from buying this so people have something to buy for my birthday in July.

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Canon SD400

I've been wanting an easier to use and more pocketable camera to compliment my HP945 for a while now. The Canon SD500 got a great review from PC Magazine but I don't really need/want to pay the extra $100 just to bump up to 7 megapixels. The SD400 is however slightly smaller so that's good.
I won't be wishing for it much longer, I saw a deal on CheapStingyBastard yesterday at Dell and jumped on it. I got it for $340 instead of the MSRP of $400. Of course last night I saw it for $310 and then this morning I saw the SD500 for only $385. I need to stay off that site for a while so I don't have to watch the price go any lower.

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God of War
The last thing I need is more games, but God of War seems really awesome. It's getting very high nines everywhere.

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Bayside Tigers t-shirt

I've been buying way too many shirts lately, but this one is pretty damn cool. I wonder how legal it is. What are the copyright rules for fictitious high schools attended by actors who are close to thirty?
(via Preshrunk)

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Motorola 3 MP cameraphone
The Motorola E1120 is a very nice looking candy-bar style cell phone with a whopping three megapixel camera built-in. Looks like something that would a perfect compliment to a more professional digital camera. Use this for quick impromptu shots so you don't have to take the fancy one everywhere.
Sure would be nice to have a cameraphone that didn't blow.
Should be out by Christmas 2005. Wink wink.

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Star Wars Empire at War

I really would love an awesome RTS based on Star Wars. Empire at War looks like it may be pretty cool, graphics definitely look great. I'll definitely be taking a look at this and Republic Commando.
(via Penny Arcade)

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Resident Evil 4

I loved Resident Evil 2 way back in the day but haven't played one since. Resident Evil 4 looks like a game that'll get me back into the series. It got an absolutely glowing review from IGN and it seems awesome. It's got great looking graphics and it sounds like the control mechanism has finally been updated.
Definitely something I'll pick up once I get my GameCube back from Matt.

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