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Love Actually
One of our favorite movies to watch together and Christina's favorite Christmas movie. Great romantic comedy.

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Gears of War
One of the best games I've played in a long time. Gears of War may have the best graphics of any current game (there's some sweet looking stuff coming next year though) and the gameplay is great fun as well. Not a perfect game, but the audio, graphics, and gameplay add up to an excellent killing experience.

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Clerks 2
Obviously not as good as the first one but not as good as I was hoping either. Clerks 2 definitely has it's funny moments but I was hoping they'd be a little more frequent. Definitely a must-see for fans of Clerks or Kevin Smith's other work, but it just doesn't connect like the original did.

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The Notebook T-Shirt

Pretty damn amusing shirt, and it's true too! Though Rachel McAdams has a lot to do with my interest in the movie.

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United 93
If you're up for it United 93 is a movie all Americans should watch. Remarkably nonpolitical the movie attempts to the tell the story of September 11th events from all sides including the terrorists.

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