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Andrea Yates' conviction overturned

January 06, 2005 at 12:13 PM

Andrea Yates' murder conviction was overturned. She drowned three of her children and was chasing the other two around the house in an attempt to kill them too.

Andrea Yates

For some reason the state's expert psychiatric witness thought it would be okay to completely fabricate an episode of Law and Order. Apparently he was dense enough to believe no one would find out. I can't image why he did that, after the shock of what she had done I'm sure she would've easily been convicted without the bit of information.

I really don't give a crap though, she still deserves to die and rot in hell for what she did. I am so tired of the insanity defense, what does it matter? You kill someone then you deserve to go to jail. If you're crazy and kill someone than it's even better that you're put away.

Well they didn't know what they were doing. So freaking what? How does that make things better? I'm more concerned about someone who doesn't know kills and doesn't know any better than someone who kills out of anger. I will never understand that logic. I don't care why you did what you did or what you meant to do, intent or reasoning does not change the action.



1 Scof said...

Yeah the girlfriend called me up this morning after hearing this, she was pretty pissed. She thinks that they'll still keep her locked up in some crazy house, despite the ruling, but justice was not served here -- I just fail to see why a technicality, especially such a seemingly trivial one, can trump an entire case.

Posted on January 07, 2005 at 04:16 PM