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Good news, bad news

May 04, 2004 at 09:36 AM

The good news is that I talked to the secretaries in the front office this morning and I get three pay checks over the summer. That's pretty great, I get paid for doing (more) nothing.

The bad news is that sure takes some of the pressure off me about finding a job. I don't have to worry about being unemployed till like August. Why is that bad news? Because without urgency, I'll probably end up being lazy and not work hard enough to find a new job. Then it'll be the end of July and I'll get worried and freak out and get depressed and not look for a job at all. I need a little pressure on me for me to get off my ass to get stuff done. Hopefully, Christina will be a big enough pain that I do work on this.

Posted in Personal | 2 Comments | Add yours


1 Christina said...

Trust me I will be the BIGGEST pain. FIND AN F****** job or I will be so mad at you. You know that there is no urgency, but there is, so do it.

Posted on May 04, 2004 at 09:53 AM

2 Christina said...


Posted on May 04, 2004 at 11:28 AM