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Texas at Missouri

October 01, 2005 at 11:59 AM

Sloppy and ugly for the first quarter or so. Texas was plagued by penalties and other mistakes throughout the game, especially early on. Once the offense got rolling and the defense settled down it was clear they were the better team. Vince Young played well and made the huge plays when he had to. His scramble on 3rd and 30 was a game changing play. Aside from the ball that was poorly thrown and tipped at the line of scrimmage that resulted in an interception, he made every throw he had to make. He threw for 2 TD’s and had another one (or two) that the refs claimed were incomplete that sure looked like touchdowns to me.

Jamaal Charles is officially the real deal and it’s exciting to finally see Ramonce Taylor getting his hands on the ball again.

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