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Aggies suck

September 22, 2005 at 09:10 PM

The Aggies are only up by 6 and the half is almost over. Bobcats are driving too and will take the lead if they score. Aggies have gotten several turnovers and big plays but have only put 20 on the scoreboard. Plus they can't stop the mighty Texas State offense either. I predict Texas A&M wins 45 to 31.

I know like at least 5 people on the Texas State roster and a member of the coaching staff. A guy I played with is dominating the formidable Aggy defensive line.

By the way, the Aggy radio announcers (who are doing the TV for this game) are terrible and have no idea what's going on half the time.

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1 matt said...

Who do you know on their coaching staff?

Oh and by the way, you failed to mention the Aggie announcers are the biggest homers. Worse than NB or SVHS announcers.

Posted on September 23, 2005 at 09:46 PM

2 Brian said...

Brad Wright was the AD my one spectacular year as a coach at Canyon.

Posted on September 23, 2005 at 10:52 PM

3 Kyle said...

As an AGGIE (not Aggy) I can agree the TV announcers always hate us and never get their info right.

The only Radio Announcer that I know of that covers the games is the guy who announces on Aggie 96.1 and I don't think I've ever heard him on TV.

Most people I know turn the sound off when the game is on TV and just listen to 96.1 on the radio.

I'm class of 2000, and yes we suck this year and school spirit is at a pitiful all time low compared to when I was there.

Posted on October 30, 2005 at 12:34 AM

4 Brian said...

Yes it was the radio guys doing the game for Fox SW, it was a last minute thing. They weren't planning on putting the game on TV, but because of Hurricane Rita the moved the game up a couple of days and put it on. And Dave South is really, really bad, even most Aggies think so.

Only on Aggie would claim that TV announcers hate you. They're not against you, you're just not any good and 98% of America thinks your traditions are dumb.

Posted on October 30, 2005 at 09:48 AM

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