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A black guy on the O.C.

December 01, 2005 at 08:01 PM

I had to check the TiVo show desciption to make sure it was really The O.C. Seriously, I can't remember a single other black character on the show. Ever. Or a Hispanic person not from the ghetto. Are there even any Asians? You know they do make sheltered, privileged, over-botoxed people of other skin colors.

What do you call a black guy flying an airplane? A pilot, you racist!

Comments and TrackBacks

1 Natalie said...

OMG, you did not just say that! The o.c is the best show on TV, theres nothing better! I do agree though, there should be more range of differnt cultures on the o.c...

Posted on August 04, 2006 at 05:02 PM

2 Natalie said...

and about mischa barton, it really seems that alot of people look like her, probably about 5 girls commented on looking like her in the previous talk about her, and actually a few people have told me that I look like her...but still everywhere people claim she looks "unique"

Posted on August 26, 2006 at 09:33 PM

3 Rikka said...

oh em gee i cant believe the flipping oc is getting cancelled. im soo soo asian and im offended and depressed. i want to slit my wrist with my hispanic sister because were both very saddened by the fact that our races are not represented strongly and acuratly. yellow people and darkbrown people have as much as right to be on the show as freaking mischa!!!! by the way you look nothing like her if anything you look like sandy, you have hairy brows and man like features its ok accept it thats why god made plastic surgery all you have to do is pay a small fee for good looks if i were you i would consider!!! please it hurts me eyes to look and hear about you.

Posted on January 12, 2007 at 07:38 AM