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Job news

May 05, 2004 at 09:33 AM

I finally heard back from Periscope yesterday, and with good news. They want me to come in tomorrow and meet some people. I sure hope that means they want me for the job and just want to get to know me more. I'm excited. I liked the company and my interview went well with them, so hopefully it'll be a good match.

I also heard from someone else within Whole Foods yesterday. When I was rejected from the first job as a systems analyst, he told me he would recommend me to other departments and other positions. I guess he liked me, but liked someone else a little bit better. Up until 20 minutes ago I thought she wanted me to come in for an interview tomorrow, but I just received her reply and re-read her original email and she just wants to speak with me on the phone. Whoops. I already took tomorrow off of work, I could have just called her at some time more convenient. Oh well, I certainly don't mind missing another day of work. But if I get an interview with them next week, then I'll have to miss another one. They're adding up (which is good, it means I'm getting interviews.)

Posted in Personal | 1 Comments | Add yours


1 Christina said...

Congrats sweetie! I'm so proud of you. SEE, you're a good candidate afterall. People would rather have entry level employees with some experience than entry level employees with no real world experiences.

Posted on May 05, 2004 at 10:29 AM