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Home alone

May 01, 2004 at 03:01 PM

Christina is at her parents' for the weekend so it's just me and Reesey here at the apartment. Not too much to do this weekend, watch TV, mess with my new TiVo, and make some changes to this site. I'd like to have the templates all done and the rest of my pages set up by the end of tommorrow. I wanna get the basic set up all finished so I can start making changes to the style sheet. (Speaking of style sheets, where the hell is my copy of More Eric Meyer on CSS? It's been over a week.)

I heard from MII yesterday (I should say I heard from them repeatedly, they called four times) and it's good news. They want to fly me up to Dallas at the end of next week for another set of interviews. In addition to more interviews, there will also be some sort of testing, a lunch, and I'm sure a tour of the place. Although I doubt the tour will be anything like the one we went on at USAA, damn that place was HUGE!

I'm excited about getting the chance to go on some more interviews. Im feeling pretty comfortable on them, especially compared to last year. The more I go on, the better I'll get at them and the more likely I'll get a good job. Hopefully I'll like MII and they'll like me, but I'm not sure about a pure programming job (I hate competing against CS majors, makes me worry about what type of job it's gonna be. I didn't want to major in CS so I don't want a CS job.) or about moving to Dallas.

Posted in Personal

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