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Review: Gothika

April 28, 2004 at 11:14 AM

Rating: 3.5/5

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Very good movie. It wasn't really a horror movie like I was expecting, but more of supernatural thriller. That's a good thing. Halle Berry plays a psychologist at a prison/mental institution who suddenly wakes up as a patient at her own facility. She spends the whole movie trying to discover what's happened and convince people of her innocence. It's well acted, 90% of the movie is focused on Halle (not a bad thing). Penelope Cruz and Robert Downey, Jr. also put in good supporting performances. Lots of twists and turns and you don't find out till the end what exactly has been happening and why. The movie was entertaining and not overly predictable (until a couple things right at the end.) Overall it's definitely worth seeing.

Posted in Entertainment & Reviews

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