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Chrome's not just for Lincoln Navigators anymore

April 28, 2004 at 01:36 PM

Tiger Woods influence has led to some tizight bling bling to make it's way into golf carts. I'm gonna wait till they've got one with spinners and a GPS system.


Posted in Sports | 2 Comments | Add yours


1 mcClaggan said...

salut ! alors moi je comprend rien du tout a ce que tu as écrit, mais sa a l'air d'un blog. Maisj'ai l'impression que ton blog est pas celebre vu que je suis la seule personne qui te met un commentaire, et en plus je suis meme pas de ton continent. A croire que personne t'aime...

Posted on July 02, 2005 at 09:23 AM

2 Brian said...

McClaggan's post translated means:

"hello! then me I nothing the whole includes/understands has what you wrote, but its A air of a blog. Maisj' have the impression that your blog is not celebre considering I am the only person who puts you a comment, and in more I am same step of your continent. To believe that nobody loves you."

Well thanks for caring my French friend, but I'm doing alright for myself. This is just a random old post that no one cares bout.

Posted on July 02, 2005 at 09:35 AM