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Web design gurus that are shorter than me: A running list

March 12, 2005 at 03:00 PM

I'm back in Austin for the and after leaving Zeldman's keynote I saw about half my blogroll outside the room chatting. I quickly came to two realizations: Number one, conference organizers need to make names on badges much larger so we don't have to stare at people's chest like a weirdo, and number two I appear to actually be about the average height among these people.

Yet another reason for me to be a web designer... so I can feel tall among my peers. Just for fun, the running list of web design elite I'm taller than:

Update: I just saw some of the cast coming out of the world premiere of Waterborne so now I can start making a list of actors I am taller than:

I also saw Uncle Rico from Napolean Dynamite, but he's taller than me so he doesn't get to be on the list. Ajay Naidu is also in the movie, but either he wasn't there or I missed him. Sucks too because I think he's pretty short.

Update update: Damnit, Lindsay Price is in it too and I didn't see her. Korean/German/Irish chicks that were in Toys R Us commercials as children are hot.

Posted in Design | 2 Comments | Add yours


1 Adam M. said...

This is definitely the funniest SXSW post I've read this year. :-)

Posted on March 21, 2005 at 01:42 PM

2 Anita, web developer said...

I'm wondering if there is a corelation among appearance and job. If people deside to work or not to work with people (customer service) considering their look.

Posted on December 13, 2005 at 04:10 PM