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Kansas vs. Texas

November 12, 2005 at 05:55 PM

Horns can’t really do anymore than they have the last two weeks. Two dominating performances over two much improved Big 12 opponents, both Baylor and Kansas have very solid defenses and the Texas offense went through them like they weren’t even there. Completely dominant and very balanced. We ran and passed at will. The defense has done their job as well. Today the Kansas offense was completely shut down during the first half, not only kept off the scoreboard but had only a single first down in the half. Texas is playing like the best all around team in the country right now.

By the way, Alabama just lost in overtime to LSU and Texas and USC are now the only two undefeated teams. No controversy this year. Finally, if the Longhorns win their next two games they’ll be in Pasadena in January.

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