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January 27, 2005 at 12:42 PM

Rating: 3.5/5

Get it from Amazon.com!

Wimbledon was actually a movie I wanted to see in theaters, but I decided it was probably going to be a piece of crap. I love Kirsten Dunst, and although he hasn't been in much I think Paul Bettany is pretty damn funny, but it's about tennis so it's all kind of a wash.

Turns out the movie was pretty good, and an actually acceptable sports movie. Outcome is very predictable, but it's still entertaining. And of course, how can you go wrong with Kirsten Dunst in a tennis skirt for 90% of the movie.

Buy it!

Posted in Watching | 1 Comments | Add yours


1 actionBERG said...

Man, you really are gay.

Posted on February 01, 2005 at 01:04 PM

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