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The O.C.

December 13, 2004 at 12:57 PM

Rating: 4/5

Get it from Amazon.com!

Christina and I are watching The O.C. again. Season two so far is just more of the same, though that's not necessarily a bad thing.

They've essentially doubled the cast, since instead of Ryan, Seth, Marissa, and Summer are all dating other random people instead of each other. It also seems to be focusing more on Peter Gallagher and his eyebrows. Although as we found out at the end of last week's episode, that may be just to provide some background on what is going to screw up Ryan's love life this time.

I enjoy most of the plotlines in the show, except the ones that involve someone feeliing sorry for themselves because they're so damn rich. Marissa's I'm an alcholic because my life is so hard phases piss the hell out of me.

Buy it!

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