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Halo 2

November 10, 2004 at 11:10 AM

Rating: 4.5/5

Read my full review!

Screw it. I'm jumping on the bandwagon for better or worse. I own the original Halo and have probably played a grand total of an hour of it, but now I'm feeling the urge to get Halo 2. I hate first person shooters, but the multiplayer on Xbox Live sounds awesome and it's calling my name. SOCOM was badass online, and it wasn't even that great of a game.


Update: I got it and I've been playing a little. The first thirty minutes I played I was already feeling sick. I think it's actually the level type that bothers me. Both Halo and now Halo 2 start inside a cramped space station. I played split screen with C last night and had no issues when playing the outdoor maps.

Buy it!

Posted in Playing | 2 Comments | Add yours


1 Scott Johnson said...

Spend some time in the Rumble Pit online, and you won't regret it. :)

Posted on November 17, 2004 at 08:28 PM

2 Brian said...

Holy crap Scott, I did just that last night and it was freaking awesome. I played for like three hours and would've played a lot more if the gf had let me and I didn't have to be at work today.

I had a blast. I need to take a day off and play!

Posted on November 18, 2004 at 08:19 AM

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