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Why can't I win an island?

October 20, 2004 at 06:03 PM

I know Texas kicks the rest of the loser states' asses, but why does that mean I can't win my own damn island?

Capital One has included a scratch-off card inside junk mail that I probably wouldn't open anyways, that could allow you to win your own private island or one of a bunch of tropical vacations. But if you watch the fine print closely in the commercial, you'll see this bull crap:

Game open only to legal residents of the U.S., its territories and possessions (excluding residents of TX and Puerto Rico), 21 years of age or older at time of entry.

I mean come on, PR is already an island (albeit a pretty crappy one) so I can see them not getting a chance. Hell, even Hawaii residents get a shot. Texas really should secede.

I hate you Capital One, and your damn contest!

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