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Treo 650

October 12, 2004 at 08:37 AM

I change which phone/PDA I'm oogling pretty much on a weekly basis, mainly because new cool shit comes out on a weekly basis. The Treo 650 has been the object of my affection for a while now, a great looking phone running the Palm OS. Plus it's the second in the line so they should have most of the kinks worked out by now.

I'm still lusting after the Motorola MPx, I'll have to wait to see/use them in person to decide which (if either) I might get.

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Posted in Wishlist | 1 Comments | Add yours


1 OSSU said...

I got my Treo650 for about a month. I did a ton of research and decided on the Treo mainly because of the PalmOS I have had CE devices but they always locked up or WORSE lost my info. So far I love the Treo. I ran across your site looking for cool shit to do with it.

Posted on July 01, 2005 at 10:15 AM

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