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Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

June 25, 2004 at 11:42 AM

Awesome, awesome game.

I have to admit I never played the original Prince of Persia way back in the day so when news of this game first came out I hardly noticed. That's why it took me so long to buy it and play it. But as I started reading about the new sequel, I looked more at this game and read some reviews and decided to get it off of eBay. Paid less than twenty bucks for what has become one of my favorite games of recent years.

Rating: 5/5

Get it from Amazon.com!

Beautiful graphics, fun gameplay, difficult puzzles, and awesome animation just make this game great. The animation during the fights is amazing, probably the best I've seen. The flow from one move to the next is flawless, it looks and feels great. My only disappointment is that there's not more fighting. Supposedly The Warrior Within will be a little more action-oriented, I can't wait.

Buy it!

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