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MovableType 3.0

May 15, 2004 at 09:22 AM

I've only been using MovableType (Version 2.6) for about a month now, but I've already come to love the power and ease of use it allows me. And up until now it's all been FREE! It's a great product and just about every web design blog I've visted uses it, the installed userbase must be absolutely enormous.

With the release of version 3.0 comes a new pricing structure, or should I say A pricing structure. The uproar has been loud, violent, and maybe a little premature. I was contemplating whether to upgrade and get the new software and features but be restricted to the number of authors and weblogs, or continue using this version. Well according to BradChoate.com and Six Apart themselves, the choice for me at least should be a little easier. New info has cleared up a little confusion about the licensing issues and solved most of my issues with it. They have removed the restriction to a single PC and reworded the definition of what a single weblog consists of:

The question of what a "weblog" is is somewhat muddy, but the basic answer to the first question is that, if you're using multiple "Weblogs" in Movable Type in order to build 1 site, that only counts as 1 weblog towards the license limits.

And also:

If your weblog site is constructed from 4 "Weblogs" in Movable Type -- one for the main weblog text, one for a link list, one for a music list, and one for a book list -- this should count as only 1 weblog towards the number of weblogs you're allowed according to the license.

All in all, when I get the time I will be upgrading to version 3.0 for my site. The benefits far outweigh the negatives. I know a lot of people will still be up in arms over things, but at least my problems are solved.

Posted in Design | 1 Comments | Add yours


1 Paul said...

I liked the features that MT had, but then I tryed to install it on my host, and I think CGI is an asshat. I couldn't get them damn thing to install corectly, even with editing the config file and stuff. I like PHP personaly, and I found pLog. http://www.plogworld.org/ It seems just as good or better. Although I can't judge between the two considering, I couldn't get one installed.

Posted on May 15, 2004 at 09:31 PM