Mozilla Jetpack? Utilize JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to build Firefox extensions.

Mozilla Labs, the people behind the Firefox web browser, have recently announced their newest project: Jetpack. Jetpack is… well it’s a little complicated. From an end user’s point of view, Jetpack will be another type of extension you can install to add features for your browser. For developers, it’s an API to write add-ons for Firefox (and maybe “more” according to Mozilla) using technologies you already know. Continue reading “Mozilla Jetpack? Utilize JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to build Firefox extensions.”

New WordPress 2.8 release adds features, speed

WordPress 2.8 (codename “Baker”) hit the World Wide Web last week and it brought a slew of new fixes, features, and improvements to the reigning number one blogging platform. This version sees improvements to the theme browser (not particularly useful to our clients and their custom themes), sidebar/footer widget functionality, admin usability and functionality, and most importantly optimized code to improve speed and the overall blogging experience. According to the official WordPress announcement post, this version brings “cooler, smoother, simpler blogging” to the masses.

Font sizing: Pixels, em’s, points, oh my!

CSS-Tricks has written a good overview of the different available font sizing options within CSS including their limitations and browser peculiarities. At MarketNet our standard practice is to specify the font-size on the body tag using pixels for precision and then em‘s through the rest of the stylesheet. This allows us to easily change the size of all type on the site simply by modifying the value set on the body tag, possibly using a JavaScript font-resizer.

Link: px – em – % – pt – keyword

Search jQuery documentation from Spotlight

Just found a great productivity tool for Mac web developers from blogger Mika Tuupola, a native jQuery API dictionary for Mac OS X 10.5. Once downloaded and set up you’ll have access to the documentation within the dictionary, Spotlight searches, and via the contextual info popups in your text editor or Safari. No need to be online to access anymore.

Head over to Mika’s site for more instructions and the dictionary download file.

Note: There’s also a similar Ruby on Rails dictionary file available for download.