If you schedule posts for future publication in your WordPress blogs, don’t just Set It and Forget It but remember to check frequently to confirm your posts actually go live. You could have posts still sitting in limbo that you thought had been published out days or weeks ago.
Various server configurations or temporary issues can apparently cause a scheduled post not to go out on time. When you look at your list of posts the status Missed schedule shows up in the date column (see the graphic at right) and once it’s scheduled time has past WordPress will not try again to publish that post. In order to publish the post you have to go in and very frustratingly switch the post status back to draft, change the time of the post, then and try to republish to get it onto the site.
We’re running WordPress 2.7 but it still appears to affect some sites running the current 2.8.1 version. Other than manual workaround mentioned above, there are a few other “fixes” you can try to solve the problem until a fix is in the official WordPress builds.
Please note the following workarounds have not been tested by MarketNet, use at your own risk:
- Modify the file wp-cron.php
- Replace wp-cron.php with a version from WP 2.6.5
- Install the Scheduled MIAs plugin
Until the issue is fixed, don’t forget to occasionally check your post lists for unpublished posts.