My daughter is hogging Tears of the Kingdom

Apparently I need to buy a physical copy of Tears of the Kingdom because after watching me play a bit the last couple of days, my 7 year old has now installed it on her Switch and been playing/hogging it all last night and this morning. She’s finished the first two shrines and is about to need to learn about staying warm. Interested to see how she’ll do as the puzzles and combat get harder but she’s enjoying it so far.

I tried to convince her she’d like Breath of the Wild just as much but as any parent could guess, that did not work.

She’s playing on the main Switch, can I just turn off wifi and then be able play on my OLED at the same time she is?

Watching her NOT obsessively pick up every single tiny item/fruit/tree branch in every single area is driving me a little batty but I’m doing my best to keep that to myself. 🤪

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom trailer #3

Nintendo released the third trailer for Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and it looks so fantastic.

I laughed out loud at some of the bits. (What was that, a rocket? And then the big tall 4 wheeled battle vehicle?) There are also several quick scenes with Link seemingly in action with a variety of other NPCs around. I’m hoping those aren’t all just cut scenes because it would certainly be interesting for a Zelda game to not always be a solo affair.