40 Acres Sports (formerly BevoSports) was one of the earliest Texas Longhorns sports blogs on the web when I started it back in early 2005. A home for news and opinions on the Longhorns, the site was at one point seeing over 30,000 unique visitors per month at it’s peak.
Roles: Founder, Editor, User Experience, Strategy, Development
Link: www.40acressports.com
Project Details
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40AcresSports Redesign (circa 2011)
With a new name and a new more skeuomorphic design, the site relaunched in 2011 with more resources beyond just the standard blog posts and deeper integration with social media sites including Twitter and Facebook. Fans could now check out the teams’ rosters, recruiting commits, and even look up the upcoming schedule and buy tickets to the game.

Original Design (circa 2007)
The site was originally known as BevoSports.com (before some lawyers got involved) and the original design was essentially a lighter, simpler version of what it would eventually evolve into a few years later. SBNation honored the site with the “Best Looking Blog” award in 2006.